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Turtle graphics are often associated with the Logo programming language. [2] Seymour Papert added support for turtle graphics to Logo in the late 1960s to support his version of the turtle robot, a simple robot controlled from the user's workstation that is designed to carry out the drawing functions assigned to it using a small retractable pen set into or attached to the robot's body.
Python: The standard library includes a Fraction class in the module fractions. [6] Ruby: native support using special syntax. Smalltalk represents rational numbers using a Fraction class in the form p/q where p and q are arbitrary size integers. Applying the arithmetic operations *, +, -, /, to fractions returns a reduced fraction. With ...
Most decimal fractions (or most fractions in general) cannot be represented exactly as a fraction with a denominator that is a power of two. For example, the simple decimal fraction 0.3 (3 ⁄ 10) might be represented as 5404319552844595 ⁄ 18014398509481984 (0.299999999999999988897769…). This inexactness causes many problems that are ...
A general-purpose language, Logo is widely known for its use of turtle graphics, in which commands for movement and drawing produced line or vector graphics, either on screen or with a small robot termed a turtle. The language was conceived to teach concepts of programming related to Lisp and only later to enable what Papert called "body ...
Today, the language is remembered mainly for its use of "turtle graphics," in which commands for movement and drawing produce line graphics using a small robot called a "turtle." The language was originally conceived to teach concepts of programming related to Lisp and only later to enable what Papert called "body-syntonic reasoning" where ...
To reduce a compound fraction to a simple fraction, just carry out the multiplication (see § Multiplication). For example, of is a compound fraction, corresponding to =. The terms compound fraction and complex fraction are closely related and sometimes one is used as a synonym for the other.
Small Basic includes a "Turtle" graphics library that borrows from the Logo family of programming languages. For example, to draw a square using the turtle, the turtle is moved forward by a given number of pixels and rotated 90 degrees in a given direction. This action is then repeated four times to draw the four sides of the square.
A fractional program in which f is nonnegative and concave, g is positive and convex, and S is a convex set is called a concave fractional program.If g is affine, f does not have to be restricted in sign.