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Repeaters are found mainly in the VHF 6-meter (50–54 MHz), 2-meter (144–148 MHz), 1.25-meter band (1 1 ⁄ 4 meters) (220–225 MHz) and the UHF 70 centimeter (420–450 MHz) bands, but can be used on almost any frequency pair above 28 MHz. In some areas, 33 centimeters (902–928 MHz) and 23 centimeters (1.24–1.3 GHz) are also used for ...
The upper end of the band, starting at 53.0 MHz, and going upwards in 100 kHz steps to 53.8 MHz, used to be similarly reserved for RC modelers, but with the rise of amateur repeater stations operating above 53 MHz in the United States, and very few 53 MHz RC units in Canada, the move to the lower end of the 6 meter spectrum for radio-controlled ...
RFinder's main service is the World Wide Repeater Directory (WWRD), which is a directory of amateur radio repeaters. RFinder is the official repeater directory of several amateur radio associations. RFinder has listings for several amateur radio modes , including FM , D-STAR , DMR , and ATV .
Linking multiple repeaters to enable a repeater outside the communications range of the handheld or mobile device to retransmit messages violates sections 95.1733(a)(8) and 95.1749 of the Commission's rules, and potentially other rules in 47 C.F.R. Repeaters may be connected to the telephone network or other networks only for purposes of remote ...
Amateur repeaters in the 144–148 MHz band usually use a 600 kHz (0.6 MHz) separation, in the 1.25-meter band use a 1.6 MHz separation, in the 420–450 MHz band use a 5 MHz separation, and in the 902–928 MHz band use a 25 MHz separation. Systems in the 450–470 MHz band use a 5 MHz separation with the input on the higher frequency.
Due to unpredictable and intermittent long-distance propagation, usually achieved by a combination of ionospheric conditions, beacons are very important in providing early warning for 6-meter band (50 MHz) openings. Beacons traditionally operate in the lower part of the band, in the range 50.000 MHz to 50.080 MHz.
The 4-meter band (70–70.5 MHz) amateur radio allocation used in many European countries is entirely within the OIRT FM band. Operators on this band and the 6-meter band (50–54 MHz) use the presence of broadcast stations as an indication that there is an "opening" into Eastern Europe or Russia. This can be a mixed blessing because the 4 ...
This is a list of repeater sites for amateur radio in Germany. It includes towers (e.g. CN Tower and Bremen TV tower), hills, mountains and other locations. List