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  2. Army University Press Home

    www.armyupress.army.mil/portals/7/hot spots/documents/russia/2017-07-the...

    The Russian Way of War by Grau and Bartles is a comprehensive analysis of Russia's military strategy and tactics.

  3. The Russian Way of Warfare - RAND Corporation


    At the operational and tactical levels, Russia will likely focus on disrupting, degrading, or destroying adversary command and control and enemy power projection capabilities through the use of kinetic fires, cyber/electronic warfare, and direct action by maneuver forces.

  4. The Russian Way of War in Ukraine: A Military Approach Nine...


    When Ukrainian forces launched offensives last September in both the country’s northeast and the south, retaking six thousand square kilometers of Russian-occupied territory, it reinforced a narrative about the war in Ukraine that weaved together a series of disparate facts into a concise story of the conflict: Russia’s initial invasion was ...

  5. (PDF) The Russian Way of War: Force Structure, Tactics, and ...


    This study discusses if the Russian forces had a definite plan for their operations, and why was it not forcefully executed, and what did the chain of command between the Czar and Kuropatkin have...

  6. The Russian Way of Warfare: A Primer | RAND - RAND Corporation


    Recent Russian actions have highlighted the need for a more comprehensive understanding of Russian military capabilities and operations. This perspective provides a primer on how Russia's military might fight in the event of a major conflict against a peer or near-peer adversary.

  7. Russia Landing Zone | How Russia Fights | TRADOC G2 Operational...


    The Russia landing zone, a one stop location for all things Russia, provides information on Russian military doctrine, organization, and tactics in order to support educating the U.S. Army on...

  8. Analyzing the Russian Way of War - Modern War Institute


    The report will also analyze the types of warfare Russia executes—exploring how its hybrid, cyber, and information aspects are integrated into Russia’s increasingly advanced conventional capabilities—and lay out a series of recommendations for how the US military and its counterparts in Europe should respond.

  9. Russian Military Strategy: Core Tenets and Operational Concepts


    In Russia, military strategy represents the highest form of military art, offering general tenets on the theory and practice of war, preparation for national defense, ways of preventing conflict, managing forces in wartime, and delineation of strategic operations.

  10. Reinterpreting Russia's Strategic Culture | The Russian Way of...


    This allows general hypotheses to be formulated about the ultimate principles underpinning the Russian way of war, which are then tested against three case studies: Russias interventions in Georgia (2008), Ukraine (2014–2015), and Syria (2015–2018), respectively.

  11. The Russian Way Of War - Hoover Institution


    Russia has fought scores of conflicts in the past millennium, and since 1700 the great Bear battled four major invasions (the Great Northern War, the Napoleonic Wars, World War I, and World War II), in the end winning three of them convincingly.