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  2. April Is Distracted Driving Awareness Month - NHTSA


    In 2022, distracted driving killed 3,308 people. April, which is national Distracted Driving Awareness Month, is a good time to regroup and take responsibility for the choices we make when we’re on the road.

  3. Distracted Driving Awareness Month - National Safety Council


    Thousands of people are killed and hundreds of thousands more are seriously injured in distracted driving crashes each year. During Distracted Driving Awareness Month, get free NSC resources to limit these risks and help us create safer roads for all.

  4. Distracted Driving Dangers and Statistics - NHTSA


    Overview. Distracted driving is dangerous, claiming 3,308 lives in 2022. NHTSA leads the national effort to save lives by preventing this dangerous behavior. Get the facts, get involved, and help us keep America’s roads safe. Share:FacebookTwitter.

  5. Put the Phone Away or Pay | Distracted Driving | NHTSA


    From April 4-8, you will see an increase in police enforcing texting and distracted-driving laws. In 2022 there were 3,308 people killed and and nearly 290,000 people injured in traffic crashes involving distracted drivers.

  6. Distracted Driving: What You Can Do - National Safety Council


    April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month. Join us in observing Distracted Driving Awareness Month and share the message, "When you're behind the wheel, your only job is to drive." Take the safe-driving pledge. Get free access to posters, a social media kit, a policy template for your workplace and more.

  7. April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month - Learn What you Can...


    April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month, a united nationwide effort to raise awareness about the dangers of distracted driving. With over 37,000 people killed on our highways in 2016 (NHTSA) learn what you can do to make yourself, your family, your employees and our roads safer.

  8. Don't Drive Distracted. Eyes Forward. - Traffic Safety Marketing


    April is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month and you'll see increased communication related to distracted driving. Use any of the material on this page throughout the month, except for certain days in April when a national high-visibility enforcement mobilization is happening.

  9. NHTSA Declares April Is Distracted Driving Awareness Month


    In 2021, distracted driving killed 3,522 people. April, which is national Distracted Driving Awareness Month, is a good time to regroup and take responsibility for the choices we make when we’re on the road.

  10. April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month - Youth.gov


    Thirty-nine states and DC ban texting while driving. Other distractions include cell phone use, eating and drinking, talking to passengers, grooming, and operating a navigation system. How can teens get involved?

  11. Ending Distracted Driving is Everyone's Responsibility


    April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month. Join us in observing Distracted Driving Awareness Month and share the message, "When you're behind the wheel, your only job is to drive." Take the safe-driving pledge. Get free access to posters, a social media kit, a policy template for your workplace and more.