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  2. Java Programming Cheatsheet - Princeton University


    Java Programming Cheatsheet. We summarize the most commonly used Java language features and APIs in the textbook. Hello, World. Editing, compiling, and executing. Built-in data types. Declaration and assignment statements. Integers. Floating-point numbers.

  3. Hello World in Java on Windows (manual instructions) - Princeton...


    This document instructs you on how to manually setup a Java programming environment for your Windows computer and provides a step-by-step guide for creating, compiling, and executing a Java program using either DrJava or the Command Prompt. All of the software is freely available on the Web.

  4. Java and the Windows Command Prompt - Princeton University


    This document instructs you on how to use the Windows Command Prompt with Java. These instructions are specialized to Windows 7, but are similar for Windows XP and Windows Vista. Java

  5. Using Java from the Command Prompt in Windows - Princeton...


    This document instructs you on how to use Java from the Command Prompt in Windows. The Command Prompt is necessary for redirecting standard input, redirecting standard output, and piping—you will use these features in Section 1.5 .

  6. 4.3 Stacks and Queues - Princeton University


    In this section, we introduce two closely-related data types for manipulating arbitrarily large collections of objects: the stack and the queue. Stacks and queues are special cases of the idea of a collection. Each is characterized by four operations: create the collection, insert an item, remove an item, and test whether the collection is empty.

  7. Standard Libraries - Princeton University


    Standard input and standard output. StdIn.java and StdOut.java are libraries for reading in numbers and text from standard input and printing out numbers and text to standard output. Our versions have a simpler interface than the corresponding Java ones (and provide a few tecnical improvements).

  8. Windows Command Prompt in 15 Minutes - Princeton University


    This command will list all the files and directories within the current directory. It is analogous to clicking on a Windows folder to see what's inside. C:\> dir Volume in drive C has no label.

  9. Java Programs in the Textbook - Princeton University


    Below is a table of the Java programs in the textbook. Click on the program name to access the Java code; click on the reference number for a brief description; read the textbook for a full discussion.

  10. Understanding a Java program. The key line with System.out.println () prints the text "Hello, World" in the terminal window. When we begin to write more complicated programs, we will discuss the meaning of public, class, main, String [], args, System.out, and so on. Creating your own Java program.

  11. Using Java from the Terminal in Mac OS X - Princeton University


    This document instructs you on how to use Java from the Terminal in Mac OS X. The Terminal is necessary for redirecting standard input, redirecting standard output, and piping—you will use these features in Section 1.5. These instructions apply to Mac OS X 10.4.11 and higher. Install the Programming Environment.