related to: california name lookup business- Check your business name
Before you start a business, make
sure the name isn't already in use.
- File a DBA in CA
Want to do business w/ a different
name than your entity? Read this.
- Add a DBA to an LLC fast
Here's what you need to add a
DBA for your business to your LLC.
- Get your fictitious name
Obtain your fictitious business
name and start building your brand.
- Register A DBA
Register Your DBA Here And Start
Building Your Brand Today.
- LLC Vs. DBA: A Comparison
There's A Difference Between An
LLC And A DBA. Which Works For You?
- Check your business name
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Aaron Sims Company; Abgent; Acadia Pharmaceuticals; Accelrys; Access Books; ACT Biotech Inc; Activision; Actuate Corporation; AdGreetz; Adobe Inc. Advanced Micro Devices
Department of the Registrar of Companies and Official Receiver [26] — responsible for keeping the Register of Companies, Partnerships, Business Names, Trade Marks, Patents and Industrial Designs, as well as for administering properties of insolvent legal and natural persons. [1] — searchable database for companies in Cyprus
Companies based in California by populated place (75 C) Companies based in California by county (53 C) Privately held companies based in California (4 C, 440 P)
Casey's (); Dubuque Bank and Trust (); Fareway (); Happy Joe's (); Hartig Drug (); HNI Corporation (); Hy-Vee (West Des Moines); Kum & Go (); Lee Enterprises (); Maid ...
The department operates under the California Business, Consumer Services and Housing Agency. The DFPI protects California consumers and oversees the operations of state-licensed financial institutions, including banks, credit unions, debt collectors, nonbank mortgage lenders, student loan servicers, money transmitters, and others. Additionally ...
The CA Department of Food and Agricultural (CDFA) and the CA Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) are also led by secretaries, not department directors. Several departments, such as CDFA and CDCR, report directly to the Governor and their chief executive officers are members of the Governor's cabinet.
related to: california name lookup business