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Arizona is one of only fourteen states with elected commissioners. [1] The Arizona Constitution explicitly calls for an elected commission, as opposed to a governor-appointed commission, which is the standard in most states, [2] because its drafters feared that governors would appoint industry-friendly officials. [3]
The 2024 Arizona Corporation Commission election was held on November 5, 2024. It will elect three members of the Arizona Corporation Commission , a five-member body tasked with regulating public utilities in the state.
James O'Connor, better known by the name Jim O'Connor, is an American politician, elected to the Arizona Corporation Commission in 2020. [1]Before entering politics, O'Connor worked for 42 years in the securities industry, owning his own firm, Nexus Financial Services.
(The Center Square) – Eight candidates competed for the three open seats on the Arizona Corporation Commission - three were registered Republicans in the race, three were Democrats and two were ...
Nick Myers is an American politician who serves on the Arizona Corporation Commission, first being elected in the 2022 election.Prior to serving in the commission, Myers worked as a software engineer for Intel and various satellite communication companies, before starting his own small businesses.
Kevin Thompson is an American politician and former enlisted member of the United States Air Force and current member of the Arizona Corporation Commission.A member of the Republican Party, Thompson served the citizens of Mesa, AZ as Councilmember of District 6 from January 2015 to January 2023 prior to being elected to the Commission in November 2022.