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  2. U.S. Senate: Leadership & Officers


    Listed below are the current leadership and officers for the 118th Congress. Also available on Senate.gov are historical essays on and lists of Senate leadership and Senate officers.

  3. U.S. Senate: About the Vice President (President of the Senate)


    The Constitution names the vice president of the United States as the president of the Senate. In addition to serving as presiding officer, the vice president has the sole power to break a tie vote in the Senate and formally presides over the receiving and counting of electoral ballots cast in presidential elections.

  4. Complete List of Majority and Minority Leaders - U.S. Senate


    On January 20, 2021, Democratic vice president Kamala Harris took office. Her tie-breaking vote established a Democratic majority in the Senate, making Charles Schumer the majority leader and Mitch McConnell the minority leader. Baker, Richard A. and Roger H. Davidson, eds.

  5. About the President Pro Tempore - U.S. Senate


    The Constitution instructs the Senate to choose a president pro tempore to preside over the Senate in the absence of the vice president. Pro tempore is a Latin term meaning "for the time being,” signaling that the position was originally conceived as a temporary replacement.

  6. About the President Pro Tempore | Historical Overview - U.S....


    The Constitution provides for two officers to preside over the Senate: the vice president and a president pro tempore. The vice president of the United States is designated as the president of the Senate.

  7. ABOUT LEADER McCONNELL | Republican Leader - Senate


    Mitch McConnell is the United States Senate Republican Leader. On January 3, 2023, he became the longest-serving Senate Party Leader in American history, elected to lead the Republican conference nine times since 2006. From 2015 to 2021, McConnell served as Senate Majority Leader.

  8. Officers and Staff - U.S. Senate


    Officers and Staff. Vice President of the United States (President of the Senate) The Constitution names the vice president of the United States as the president of the Senate. In addition to serving as presiding officer, the vice president has the sole power to break a tie vote in the Senate and formally presides over the receiving and ...

  9. U.S. Senate: Contacting The Senate


    Contacting The Senate. By Email. All questions and comments regarding public policy issues, legislation, or requests for personal assistance should be directed to the senators from your State. Some senators have email addresses while others post comment forms on their websites.

  10. U.S. Senate


    Find your state's senators and learn about your state's place in Senate history. Learn about the varied and important roles played by women in Senate history, from the first women to gain key staff positions to the female senators who have held positions of power and influence.

  11. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions. 428 Senate Dirksen Office Building,Washington, DC, 20510 (202) 224-5375.