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Results From The WOW.Com Content Network is a free stock photography and royalty-free stock media website. It is used for sharing photos, illustrations, vector graphics, film footage, stock music and sound effects, exclusively under the custom Pixabay Content License, which generally allows the free use of the material with some restrictions.
Pexels is a provider of stock photography and stock footage. It was founded in Germany in 2014 and maintains a library with over 3.2 million free stock photos and videos. It was founded in Germany in 2014 and maintains a library with over 3.2 million free stock photos and videos.
Unsplash is a website dedicated to proprietary stock photography.Since 2021, it has been owned by Getty Images.The website claims over 330,000 contributing photographers and generates more than 13 billion photo impressions per month on their growing library of over 5 million photos (as of April 2023). – High-resolution and natural looking photos in Martin Vorel's free stock photo site. Website is divided into several different categories including business, close up, traveling (Mongolia, Thailand, Europe), animals, plants and nature photos.
Depositphotos is a company operating a royalty-free content website with headquarters in New York, USA.It was founded by Dmitry Sergeev in November 2009 in Kyiv, Ukraine. [1] [2] The Depositphotos library has over 200 million files, [3] including royalty-free stock photos, vector images, video clips, [4] and editorial files. [5]
The StockXpert website in 2009. Until 2009, stock.xchng operated alongside its sister site, Stockxpert.Stockxpert was designed with a near-identical user interface, but functioned as a commercial microstock photography site, allowing users, through a system of online credits, to purchase and download images for a very low cost, often as low as US$1.