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In a RGB color space, hex #addfad (also known as Moss green) is composed of 67.8% red, 87.5% green and 67.8% blue. Whereas in a CMYK color space, it is composed of 22.4% cyan, 0% magenta, 22.4% yellow and 12.5% black.
Moss Hex, RGB and CMYK Color Codes. If you are looking for the specific color values of moss, you will find them on this page. These values can help you match the specific shade you are looking for and even help you find complementary colors. Moss. Hex Color: #9C9C53;
Moss green is a moderate yellow-green shade with the hex code #8A9A5B, first used to describe a color in English in 1884. Moss green is one of the many shades of green that takes its name from nature, in this case the small, carpet-like plant.
The color moss green with hexadecimal color code #8a9a5b is a shade of yellow-green. In the RGB color model #8a9a5b is composed of 54.12% red, 60.39% green and 35.69% blue. In the HSL color space #8a9a5b has a hue of 75° (degrees), 26% saturation and 48% lightness.
The hexadecimal RGB code of Moss Green color is #8A9A5B and the decimal is rgb (138,154,91). The red-green-blue components are 8A (138) red, 9A (154) green and 5B (91) blue.
HEX #8A9A5B color name is Moss Green. HEX color code #8A9A5B represent the color in hexadecimal format by combining three values – the amounts of Red, Green and Blue (RGB). The RGB values of this color are 138, 154, 91 ( rgb(138, 154, 91) ). That means #8A9A5B color is composed of 54.1% of Red, 60.4% Green and 35.7% Blue.
The #addfad HTML color is made up of 173 Red, 223 Green, and 173 Blue. This color is often called by name Moss Green. The hue is at 120 degrees, with a saturation value at 44 percent and a lightness value of 78 percent.