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  2. Peripheral Pulse - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf


    Peripheral pulses are clinically helpful in identifying specific vascular pathologies, including peripheral arterial disease, vasculitis, congenital abnormalities, and others. Lower extremity peripheral pulses can effectively screen for peripheral arterial disease (PAD).

  3. Accurately Assessing Peripheral Pulses - Lippincott NursingCenter


    Accurately Assessing Peripheral Pulses. Pulse assessment is crucial to identifying life- and limb-threatening injuries and illnesses. Character and quality of pulses can be affected by several different factors, and early identification and intervention is paramount to good patient outcomes.



    Your target heart range is the zone that you want to be in to stay safe and get the most benefit from your exercise. Your target heart range includes your lowest pulse goal to your highest pulse goal. This range can be estimated using your pulse rate.

  5. 9 Common pulse points – (Anatomical pulse sites with...


    There are 9 common pulse points on the surface of the body. Namely, temporal pulse, carotid pulse, apical pulse, brachial pulse, radial pulse, femoral pulse, popliteal pulse, posterior tibial pulse, and dorsalis pedis pulse. Click here to learn how to take pulse.

  6. Peripheral Pulse: Understanding the Significance and Assessment


    Explore the significance of peripheral pulse in assessing cardiovascular health and learn about different pulse assessment methods. Understand how abnormal pulse findings can indicate cardiovascular abnormalities and circulatory disorders.

  7. Skills: Radial Pulse - Johns Hopkins University


    Compare the radial pulses bilaterally. If a marked difference between the sides exists, assess the extremities for perfusion. Notify the practitioner if signs of decreased perfusion, including a change in skin color, edema, a change in skin temperature, and decreased pulse palpability, are present.

  8. • Perform a cardiovascular assessment, including heart sounds; apical and peripheral pulses for rate, rhythm, and amplitude; and skin perfusion (color, temperature, sensation, and capillary refill time) • Identify S1 and S2 heart sounds • Differentiate between normal and abnormal heart sounds

  9. Character Of Pulse: Clinical Notes To Assess Pulse Character


    Learn the basics of pulse character and overall assessment, including rate, rhythm, volume, and character of pulse (e.g. Waterhammer, slow-rising, bisfiriens).

  10. 9.3 Cardiovascular Assessment – Nursing Skills – 2e


    Compare the rate, rhythm, and quality of arterial pulses bilaterally, including the carotid, radial, brachial, posterior tibialis, and dorsalis pedis pulses. Review additional information about obtaining pulses in the “ General Survey ” chapter.

  11. Assessment of the peripheral vascular system is done to determine the characteristics of the pulse, to ascertain the presence of an arterial bruit (s), and to detect the occurrence of venous inflammation with possible secondary thrombosis of that vein.