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Statewide public opinion polls that were conducted relating to the 2012 United States presidential election, which was won by incumbent President Barack Obama, are as follows. The polls show the status between Republican nominee Mitt Romney and President Obama.
Our snapshot of where the presidential race stands is based on hundreds of state-wide and national opinion polls — filtered through a poll-tracking model — and updated throughout the day. Share on Facebook Make Your Own Map
State Up for grabs, according to HuffPost Pollster analysis of opinion polls By Jay Boice, Aaron Bycoffe and Andrei Scheinkman. Sources: Historical election results from The Associated Press and the National Archives .
Maps and electoral vote counts for the 2012 presidential election. Our latest estimate has Obama at 281 electoral votes and Romney at 191.
The polls listed here, by state, are from January 1 to August 31, 2012, and provide early data on opinion polling between a possible Republican candidate against incumbent President Barack Obama. Note that some states had not conducted polling yet or no updated polls were present from January 1 to August 31, 2012.
Nationwide public opinion polls that were conducted relating to the 2012 United States presidential election are as follows. The election was between Democratic Incumbent President Barack Obama, Republican Mitt Romney, as well as other third-party and independent challengers.
Leading Republican 2012 primary candidate by state (parentheses indicate a shared lead, italics indicates polling data, non-italics indicates a primary win). Stars indicate a completed primary. States in gray have no polling data or no relevant data due to a leading candidate having withdrawn or declined to enter the race.
Maps and electoral vote counts for the 2012 presidential election. Our latest estimate has Obama at 290 electoral votes and Romney at 191.