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  2. Is Rule 30 Turing complete? - Mathematics Stack Exchange


    2. Rule 30 is a well-known ECA. Wikipedia has a fine introduction to that topic if you're unfamiliar. Here's a 60-second version of the mechanism: Let s0 ← 1 s 0 ← 1. Let si+1 ← si00 s i + 1 ← s i 00, but altered by stepping through the bits left to right and flipping all of them except for those followed by more than one 0 0.

  3. Rule 30 is a one dimensional cellular automaton where only the cells in the previous generation are considered by the current generation. There are two states that a cell can be in: 1 or 0 . The rules for creating the next generation are represented in the row below, and depend on the cell immediately above the current cell, as well as it's ...

  4. Every diagram uses the same 8 patterns to determine the colour of the next row's cells. The output from those 8 rules forms a binary word, as shown in the diagram, this is the Rule. In this case the output is 00011110, which is 30 in binary. Hence the name Rule 30. The underlying interest in these rules is that highly complex patterns can be ...

  5. Rule 30 Variation, revisited: Where does the constant come from?


    Here is their original picture: the automaton in question is a variation of Rule 30 on an alternating cell background. Indeed, his claim seemed realistic at first, but then, in my answer, I noted that by crunching the numbers some more, the ratio seemed to approach another value, likely larger than $1.62$.

  6. Numerical regularities in the classification of cellular automata


    Of course, not all of these rules actually give rise to complex dynamics. For example, rule 240 (binary 11110000) is a simple shift map where the output state is equal to that of the leftmost cell of the input pattern, and none of the other input cells matter at all! Rule 15 (binary 00001111) is the same, except that the output is inverted.

  7. Golden Ratio appears in this Rule 30 variation?


    The cellular automaton Rule 30 is most commonly explored starting with a single 1 cell against a background of infinitely many 0 cells. This gives the familiar plot: This gives the familiar plot: However, if you start with a 1 cell but use a background consisting of the pattern 01 , you find that it only expands to fill a portion of its right side:

  8. theory - Wolfram's Rule 34 in XKCD - Stack Overflow


    Rule 34 refers to a set of rules developed by Stephen Wolfram for cellular automata. You may be familiar with Conway's Game of Life, which can be used to model computations. Wolfram has a similar method of computation using cellular automata, defined by a number of rules; Rule 34 is but one rule for defining how the computation takes place.

  9. Taking the first rule of thumb (i.e.validation set should be inversely proportional to the square root of the number of free adjustable parameters), you can conclude that if you have 32 adjustable parameters, the square root of 32 is ~5.65, the fraction should be 1/5.65 or 0.177 (v/t).

  10. Option One: Use a single, full-width (or maybe something like 90%?) <HR> but move TOGETHER up so that it sits on top. Option Two: Use calc in your CSS so that the width of each <HR> is (width of parent - width of TOGETHER) / 2. (Guessing at 30% width is just too fragile in this case). answered May 14, 2019 at 9:08.

  11. That said, saying what rule you wish to ignore makes it more clear why you put the disable line there in the first place. – Edwin Stoteler Commented May 2, 2016 at 14:14