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Much of the information about Harsha's youth comes from the account of Bāṇabhaṭṭa. [5] Harsha was the second son of Prabhakarvardhana, king of Thanesar. After the downfall of the Gupta Empire in the middle of the 6th century, Northern India was split into several independent kingdoms.
Muddati Hundi: A muddati or miadi hundi is payable after a specified period of time. This is similar to a time bill. There are few other varieties; [8] the Nam-jog hundi, Dhani-jog hundi, Jawabee hundi, Jokhami hundi, Firman-jog hundi, etc. Nam-jog hundi - such a hundi is payable only to the person whose name is mentioned on the Hundi.
Subsequently, the Pushyabhuti emperor Harsha (ruled c. 606 – c. 647 CE) restored the Later Gupta rule in Magadha, and they ruled as Harsha's vassals. [ 3 ] After Harsha's death, the Later Gupta ruler Adityasena became the sovereign ruler of a large kingdom extending from the Ganges in the north to the Chhota Nagpur in the south; and from ...
Harsha eventually made Kanyakubja (modern Kannauj in Uttar Pradesh) his capital, [4] and ruled till c. 647 CE. He died without an heir, leading to the end of the Pushyabhuti dynasty. He died without an heir, leading to the end of the Pushyabhuti dynasty.
Medieval India was a long period of post-classical history in the Indian subcontinent between the ancient and modern periods. It is usually regarded as running approximately from the break-up of the Gupta Empire in the 6th century to the start of the early modern period in 1526 with the start of the Mughal Empire , although some historians ...
Nitisara contains 20 sargas (chapters) and 36 prakarans. It is based on the Arthasastra of Kautilya and deals with various social elements such as theories of social order, structure of the state, obligations of the ruler, governmental organization, principles and policies of the government, interstate relationships, ethics of envoys and spies, application of different political expedients ...
Site was abandoned after the vedic period in the first millennium BCE, then continuously habited from 1st century CE to 19th century. [2] The site, spread over an area of 1 km x750 m x 23 m, containts historical remnants belonging to vedic as well as six continuously habited post-vedic periods ranging from Kushan to Mughal era .
The Harshacharita (Sanskrit: हर्षचरित, Harṣacarita; English: The deeds of Harsha) is the biography of Indian emperor Harsha by Banabhatta, also known as Bana, who was a Sanskrit writer of seventh-century CE India. He was the Asthana Kavi, meaning Court Poet, of Harsha.