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  2. Ar-Raniry State Islamic University - Wikipedia


    This faculty has the following departments: Communication and Da'wa (Dakwah dan Komunikasi), Journalistic (Jurnalistik), Islamic Guidance and Counseling (Konseling dan Bimbingan Islam), Management of Da'wa (Manajemen Dakwah), and Islamic Community Development (Pengembangan Masyarakat Islam).

  3. Islamic philosophy - Wikipedia


    The political conceptions of Islam such as kudrah, sultan, ummah, cemaa -and even the "core" terms of the Qur'an, i.e. ibada, din, rab and ilah- is taken as the basis of an analysis. Hence, not only the ideas of the Muslim political philosophers but also many other jurists and ulama posed political ideas and theories.

  4. Kapitayan - Wikipedia


    In Kapitayan, Upawasa (Puasa or Poso) [note 2] is a ritual of not eating from morning until night; Walisongo used the term to represent siyam in Islam. [14] The term Poso Dino Pitu in Kapitayan, meaning "fasting on the day of the second and the fifth day", is very similar to the Islam form of fasting on Mondays and Thursdays.

  5. Sunda Wiwitan - Wikipedia


    Its practitioners assert that Sunda Wiwitan has been part of their way of life since ancient times, before the arrival of Hinduism and Islam. The sacred book of Sunda Wiwitan is called Sanghyang Siksa Kandang Karesian. It is a didactic text of religious and moral guidance, rules, and lessons.

  6. Rocky Gerung - Wikipedia


    Saraswati, L. G.; dan Rocky Gerung (2006). " Hak Asasi Manusia: (2007). " Plural the e dan Konsekwensinya Widodo : Catatan Kaki untuk Filsafat Politik’ Nurcho Rocky asserted that the 2024 presidential election is "nothing but a game of power brokers" orchestrated by Widodo.

  7. Indonesian language - Wikipedia


    Karena semua dibiayai menggunakan dana negara jutaan rupiah, baginda maharaja bijaksana, sang mahaguru sastra bahasa Kawi, mahasiswa-mahasiswi perguruan swasta, duta-duta negeri mitra dan suami/istrinya, Menteri Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata, karyawan-karyawati perusahaan ketenaga kerjaan, bupati budiman, beserta anggota lembaga nirlaba kewanitaan ...