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The other major county-wide official is the county clerk, who maintains the county's records, administers elections, and oversees legal documentation (such as property deeds, marriage licenses and assumed name certificates). The clerk is also elected at-large for a four-year term.
"Maxine Serett" was an assumed name she took on only for the trial. ... State of Texas Certificate of Death, Registrar File Number 03-632, date of death 30 Sep 1994.
Name change certificate issued by Christian X of Denmark in 1917. Name change is the legal act by a person of adopting a new name different from their current name.. The procedures and ease of a name change vary between jurisdictions.
Cher made an unexpected discovery when she began the process of legally changing her name.. In her new memoir Cher: The Memoir, Part One, which was released on Nov. 19, the 78-year-old music ...
A Texas man has legally changed his name to “Literally Anybody Else” and has launched a bid for the 2024 presidential election.. Dustin Ebey, 35, said he changed his name so that he could ...
A legal name is the name that identifies a person for legal, administrative and other official purposes. A person's legal birth name generally is the name of the person that was given for the purpose of registration of the birth and which then appears on a birth certificate (see birth name), but may change subsequently.
related to: assumed name certificate in texas