related to: dba filing california search free- Check your business name
Before you start a business, make
sure the name isn't already in use.
- File a DBA in CA
Want to do business w/ a different
name than your entity? Read this.
- File a DBA in Texas
If you've got a business in Texas,
file your DBA right here.
- Add a DBA to an LLC fast
Here's what you need to add a
DBA for your business to your LLC.
- LLC Vs. DBA: A Comparison
There's A Difference Between An
LLC And A DBA. Which Works For You?
- Register A DBA
Register Your DBA Here And Start
Building Your Brand Today.
- Check your business name
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The term for this type of alternative name is fictitious business name. [1] Registering the fictitious name with a relevant government body is often required. In a number of countries, the phrase " trading as " (abbreviated to t/a ) is used to designate a trade name.
This is a list of official business registers around the world. [1] [2]There are many types of official business registers, usually maintained for various purposes by a state authority, such as a government agency, or a court of law.
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CSC is a US company founded on January 1, 1899, that provides corporate, legal, and tax services. It is headquartered in Wilmington, Delaware, and has offices in the United States, Canada, Europe, and the Asia-Pacific region.
obrt: ≈ sole proprietorship; several types: slobodni obrt (free proprietorship), vezani obrt (tied proprietorship), and povlašteni obrt (privileged proprietorship) registered according to profession where tied and privileged types are reserved only for master craftsmen): paušalni obrt (flat-rate proprietorship), obrt-dohodaš (income tax ...
In 1879, California adopted its state constitution which among many other programs created the State Board of Equalization and the State Controller, which administered all tax programs. [ 1 ] In 1929, the state legislature created the office of the Franchise Tax Commissioner to administer California's Bank and Corporation Franchise Tax Act.
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