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Registering the fictitious name with a relevant government body is often required. In a number of countries, the phrase "trading as" (abbreviated to t/a) is used to designate a trade name. In the United States, the phrase "doing business as" (abbreviated to DBA, dba, d.b.a., or d/b/a) is used, [1] [2] among others, such as assumed business name ...
How to Check Business Name Availability. While there are other things to consider when naming your business, finding out whether a business name is taken can be done in one of four main ways:
Pages in category "Fictional populated places in Pennsylvania" The following 9 pages are in this category, out of 9 total. This list may not reflect recent changes. B.
The novels also references the fictitious entry "Lillian Mountweazel" with the name of the Spiegelman family's dog, Myrna Mountweazel. In Eley Williams's novel The Liar's Dictionary (2020), the protagonist is tasked with hunting down several fictitious entries inserted in Swansby's New Encyclopaedic Dictionary before the work is digitized.
A Pennsylvania town where being a raccoon is dangerous business. Cooter: A city in Missouri. "Cooter" is a slang term for vagina. Cork: The clearly "always-drunk" Irish city with a fitting name - founded as a trading port in 915 AD by the Vikings. Also check out a couple other Corks stateside! Cornville: A town in Maine.
The post shared a photo of Pence behind a podium with his name on it. The post reads, “MIKE PENCE WAS CAPTURED BY SPECIAL FORCES AND IS CURRENTLY IN GITMO… THE WHITE HATS CAPTURED MIKE PENCE ...
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