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A trade name, trading name, or business name is a pseudonym used by companies that do not operate under their registered company name. [1] The term for this type of alternative name is fictitious business name. [1] Registering the fictitious name with a relevant government body is often required.
Finnish Trade Register [32] — official company register for Finnish companies, maintained by the Finnish Patent and Registration Office. (languages: Finnish, English, Swedish) BIS Search [33] — trade register of 470,000 Finnish companies via the Business Information System of the Finnish Patent and Registration Office.
They can either create and register a business organization or establish and register a branch or representative office. [2] Previously, foreign entity registration was handled through the National Registration Center, which had implemented a streamlined "one-stop-shop" system since September 1, 2007.
Legal name of the individual applying. Business trade name. Mailing and street address, if they differ. County and state of principal business location. Name of the responsible party and their tax ...
Registration is normally mandated by the government of that jurisdiction. A company register serves a purpose of protection, accountability and control. In contrast many countries also operate a statistical business register which has a different purpose and plays a central part in a system of official economic statistics at a national ...
Sole proprietors may register their business using one of two names: their legal name following the registrant's identity card or a trade name. [13] Registration of a business lasts for either one or two years, and must be renewed thirty days before its expiry. [12]
related to: business trade name registration