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  2. definition - Data vs. Information. What’s the difference between...


    For example, data can signify basic numbers regarding the price of an object, the score on a test, or the current temperature outdoors. Information is an interpretation of data, where researchers identify patterns and draw conclusions based on raw figures. Using data, a researcher can draw meaningful conclusions about their desired subject.

  3. What is exactly meant by a "data set"? - Cross Validated


    In my experience, "dataset" (or "data set") is an informal term that refers to a collection of data. Generally a dataset contains more than one variable and concerns a single topic; it's likely to concern a single sample. A mistake I often see writers of Cross Validated questions make is using "dataset" as a synonym for "variable" or "vector". 3.

  4. Difference in meaning of these terms: Dataset vs Corpus


    In contrast, dataset appears in every application domain --- a collection of any kind of data is a dataset. Update: Please check , it is said that. "Corpus is a large collection of texts. It is a body of written or spoken material upon which a linguistic analysis is based. Braun, Virginia and Clarke, Victoria (2006) Using thematic analysis in ...

  5. 3. In the building of a decision tree, when it's better to prefer the information gain criterion to the gain ratio criterion ? And why ? data-mining. cart. mutual-information.

  6. Mutual information versus correlation - Cross Validated


    12. Mutual information is a distance between two probability distributions. Correlation is a linear distance between two random variables. You can have a mutual information between any two probabilities defined for a set of symbols, while you cannot have a correlation between symbols that cannot naturally be mapped into a R^N space.

  7. What's the difference between statistics and informatics?


    My view is that while there is a fair amount of overlap between the fields there are also key differences. In general a statistics student (in the higher degrees) will take more theory classes (math and mathstat) than the informatics student, but the informatics student will learn more of the computing (especially the database part) side.

  8. terminology - Best term for made-up data? - Cross Validated


    Just to add a comment which spreads across several answer: "synthetic" is a good word for made up data which tries to look as realistic as possible, while "mock up" suggests data which has been crafted to demonstrate something particular. For example, "mock up" data might contain absurd outliers, just to demonstrate how important it is to deal ...

  9. What are difference between a data, a Statistic and a Value?


    A datum is a single piece of data. The datum can be comprised of many values. For example, if you seek to collect height, weight, and age measurements from people, then a datum would be a single observation of someone's height, weight, and age. Data are thus several observations of these values. A statistic is a function of data.

  10. 5. I need to know the advantages and disadvantages of using a sample or a population to collect data. I understand what a sample is and what a population is, but I do not know what the advantages and disadvantages would be. Can someone help? You probably mean "census" instead of "population," for otherwise this question makes no sense.

  11. Normalized Mutual Information measures try to bring the possible values to bounded range I(X, Y) ∈ [0...m] I (X, Y) ∈ [0... m]. Specifically, case of m = 1 m = 1 is useful due to ease of comparison with commonly used correlation coefficients. Add a comment. Add a comment.