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  2. 17 ways technology could change the world by 2027


    The Forum's Technology Pioneers share their predictions for the impact of advanced technologies such as Web3, quantum, and AI on business and society. Learn how credit, commerce, data, and human experience will be transformed by technology in the next five years.

  3. Top 10 tech trends for next 10 years (according to McKinsey) |...


    McKinsey predicts that we’ll experience more technological progress in the coming decade than in the preceding 100 years. Learn about the 10 tech trends that will shape the business landscape, from process automation and virtualization to bio revolution and next-generation materials.

  4. 8 ways technology will impact our lives in the future


    Learn how technology trends such as quantum computing, 5G, metaverse and large language models will shape the world of tomorrow. Watch the panel discussion with leaders from IBM, Accenture, Qualcomm and Bharti Enterprises at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting.

  5. Here’s how technology has changed the world since 2000


    The World Economic Forum's Technology Pioneers community celebrates its 20th anniversary by looking back at the technological revolution of the past two decades. From media and social media to climate and healthcare, see how tech has transformed our societies and daily lives.

  6. A comprehensive study of technological change - MIT News


    A team of researchers from MIT developed a method to estimate the performance improvement of thousands of technology domains based on U.S. patent data. They created an online interactive system to help decision-makers find and compare technologies based on their improvement potential.

  7. A timeline of technology transformation: How has the pace changed...


    This article shows a timeline of major technological inventions from 3.4 million years ago to the present and beyond, highlighting how fast and powerful technology has become. It also discusses the potential impact of artificial intelligence and the importance of choosing which technologies to develop.

  8. How the top 10 emerging technologies of 2023 will affect us |...


    The report identifies the most impactful emerging technologies in various fields, such as sustainable aviation fuel, wearable plant sensors, generative AI and metaverse for mental health. Learn how these technologies can improve our future lives and address global challenges.

  9. Explainer: What is quantum technology and what are its benefits?


    Quantum technology is based on the principles of quantum mechanics and can speed processing, solve complex problems and enable secure communications. Learn about its applications, benefits, challenges and opportunities from experts and the Forum's Quantum Economy Network.

  10. 5 Ways to Use Technology to Improve Teaching and Learning


    Technology has played a critical role in sustaining schools during the pandemic: Record numbers of students now have their own school-issued digital devices, educators have become more-critical ...

  11. Computer science and technology - MIT News


    Browse the latest news articles from MIT on computer science and technology topics, such as AI, quantum computing, robotics, and more. Learn about the research, innovations, and achievements of MIT faculty and students in this field.