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  2. The Bible as Guide in Life and Liturgy (Sunday Readings) Dialogue: The Family Today. “Let marriage be held in honour by all”. First Reading (Ecclesiasticus 3:3-7, 14-17).

  3. Reflections – Sunday Scripture Online


    Reflection September 24 2023 (A) Twenty-Fifth Sunday of the Year. September 21, 2023. Reflection & Dialogue: Facing the future with vision and response to vision In today’s liturgical readings we have material for reflection on how to bring vision and response to this …. Read More.

  4. Sunday Readings - Sunday Scripture Online


    September 21, 2023. The bible as Guide in Life and Liturgy (Sunday Readings) Reflection & Dialogue: Good example. Christian life requires mutual support The Bible as Guide in Life and Liturgy (Sunday Readings). …. Read More.

  5. These words encourage us to reflect weekly on the Sunday readings. We can recall a few of these today. This has already been partly done above when explaining the readings. 1. The word of God lasts forever. We have an example of this in the first reading. The activity of Elisha can be dated to about 850 BC.

  6. Today’s readings present ample opportunity for reflection and for dialogue within the Church of our own day, and with the world beyond it. Reflection. The love and mercy of God.

  7. Reflections – Page 2 – Sunday Scripture Online


    Reflection on the Second Reading. One must live with the mystery that is God. One lesson to be learned from the second reading, in which Paul is speaking to the

  8. Reflection & Dialogue: The Beatitudes and Our Vocation to Beatitude. The Catechism of the Catholic Church considers the Beatitudes of such importance that it devotes a special section (numbers1716-1720) to them and their bearing on Christian teaching and Christian life. “The Beatitudes”, it reminds us, “are at the heart of Jesus’ preaching.

  9. 30 October 2022 (C) Thirty-First SUNDAY of the Year


    Today’s readings present ample opportunity for reflection and for dialogue within the Church of our own day, and with the world beyond it. Reflection. The love and mercy of God.

  10. The theme reminds us of the place of the living Christ in the Eucharist as a source of personal union, communion, with God and with one another, Christ’s brothers and sisters. The real presence of Christ under the species of bread and wine is a mystery, to be understood by faith.

  11. Martin McNamara - Sunday Scripture Online


    Reflection: March 26th 2022 (A) Fourth Sunday of Lent. Reflection & Dialogue: Jesus and the Church the light of the world. Three clear points emerge from today’s liturgy and readings and they give rich material for reflection on Christian ….