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The Jakarta Charter (Indonesian: Piagam Jakarta) was a document drawn up by members of the Indonesian Investigating Committee for Preparatory Work for Independence (BPUPK) on 22 June 1945 in Jakarta that later formed the basis of the preamble to the Constitution of Indonesia.
Thus, the Attorney General has been independent of the Minister of Justice since then. The transfer of the General Court (Peradilan Umum) and State Administration Court (Pengadilan Tata Usaha Negara) to the Supreme Court (Mahkamah Agung) was started in 1999 and finished on 31 March 1999. Thus, the Ministry has different responsibilities.
Sinar Mas was founded by a Chinese Indonesian tycoon, Eka Tjipta Widjaja. Sinar Mas businesses operate in different sectors such as pulp & paper, real estate, financial services, agribusiness, telecommunications, and mining. The businesses are listed in the Indonesian and Singapore stock exchanges.
Asia Pulp & Paper was founded as Tjiwi Kimia by Eka Tjipta Widjaja who at the time was a refiner of coconut oil. In 1972 he started Pabrik Kertas Tjiwi Kimia along with Taiwanese investors with the purpose of making paper. [1]
Widjaja was born Oei Ek Tjhong (c. 1921 [a] –2019, born in Quanzhou, China as Oei Ėk-Tjhong) [7] He was the son of a Celebes-based trader. [8]Around 1930, he and his mother moved to Indonesia–then the Dutch East Indies–to join his father who had already settled in Makassar, Sulawesi, and he started helping his father to run a small shop.
Oemar Said Tjokroaminoto (16 August 1882 – 17 December 1934), [1] better known in Indonesia as H.O.S. Tjokroaminoto, was an Indonesian nationalist.He became one of the leaders of the Islamic Trade Union (Indonesian: Syarekat Dagang Islam), founded by Samanhudi, which became Sarekat Islam, which they both cofounded.
The 20-point agreement, or the 20-point memorandum, is a list of 20 points drawn up by North Borneo, proposing terms for its incorporation into the new federation as the State of Sabah, during negotiations prior to the formation of Malaysia.
1945–1947: Barangsiapa yang meniru atau memalsu uang kertas negara, atau dengan sengaja mengedarkan, menyimpan ataupun memasukkan ke daerah Republik Indonesia uang kertas tiruan atau palsu, dapat dihukum menurut Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Pidana pasal 244, 245 dan 249.