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Law of Indonesia is based on a civil law system, intermixed with local customary law and Dutch law.Before European presence and colonization began in the sixteenth century, indigenous kingdoms ruled the archipelago independently with their own custom laws, known as adat (unwritten, traditional rules still observed in the Indonesian society). [1]
In 2001–2004, this ministry was known as the Department of Law and Legislation (Departemen Hukum dan Perundang-undangan). From 2004–2009, this ministry was known as the Department of Law and Human Rights (Departemen Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia).
According to historical records, a civil law called the Code Civil des Français was formed in 1804, in which most European referred to them as the Napoleon Code. [2] On 24 May 1806 the Netherlands became a French client state, styled the Kingdom of Holland under Napoleon's brother, Louis Bonaparte in which he was instructed by Napoleon to receive and enact the Napoleonic Code.
Jimly Asshiddiqie (2005), Konstitusi dan Konstitutionalisme Indonesia (Indonesia Constitution and Constitutionalism), MKRI, Jakarta. Jimly Asshiddiqie (1994), Gagasan Kedaulatan Rakyat dalam Konstitusi dan Pelaksanaannya di Indonesia (The Idea of People's Sovereignty in the Constitution), Ichtiar Baru - van Hoeve, Jakarta, ISBN 979-8276-69-8.
PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) (lit. ' State Electricity Company ', abbreviated as PLN) is an Indonesian government-owned corporation which has a monopoly on electric power distribution in Indonesia and generates the majority of the country's electrical power, producing 176.4 TWh in 2015.
Single principle of Pancasila (Asas tunggal Pancasila) was a policy enacted by the New Order regime under President Soeharto starting 1983 compelling political parties and public organisations to declare the national ideology of "Pancasila, as their one and only ideological basis".
The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) is a multidisciplinary professional engineering institution.The IET was formed in 2006 from two separate institutions: the Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE), dating back to 1871 [1].Its worldwide membership is currently in excess of 158,000 in 153 countries. [2]
The writing of di-and ke-(affixes) can be distinguished from di and ke (prepositions), where di-and ke-are written together with the words that follow it, for example diambil, kehendak (taken, desire), while di and ke are written separately with the words that follow it, for example di rumah, ke pasar (at home, to the market).