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  2. Shoe Comic Strip Archives. More Funnies. MacNelly's Editorials. About ». Shoe Store ».

  3. Enjoy your daily dose of Perfesser Cosmo Fishhawk, Roz, and Shoe from Shoe Comics. You can now search our online Shoe daily and Sunday archives.

  4. The Official Shoe Comic Strip Website


    With the world breathlessly awaiting the start of the Sochi Olympics, the Tattler has landed a major scoop. Vladimir Putin's publicist, Amidoff Franklinski, has agreed to an exclusive interview.

  5. The Official Shoe Comic Strip Website


    A sense of gloom seemed to settle over local DEA offices. One unidentified agent seemingly on the brink of tears commented, "There's really no way to replace the feeling of sending a young person to prison for burning a doobie," his voice cracking with emotion, "but I guess we'll always have crystal meth…thank God for meth."

  6. The Treetops Tattler Articles [RSS] - Shoe


    One would think that comic strip characters would be immune to things like recessions but…no way. Hard times have hit Treetops and a couple characters have had to find second jobs. Soon Roz, beloved for her crystalline wisdom while others are fogbound, will be writing her own "DEAR ROZ" column for the Tattler.