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  2. Pakistan PM Raises Issue of Kashmir's Status at UN, India Terms His Speech 'Travesty'

  3. The Modi-Shah Game in Kashmir Is to Split Opposition Vote and Pave Way for BJP to Form Government. The only way for the NC-Congress alliance to ensure the government of Kashmir remains in Kashmiri ...

  4. The Wire: The Wire News India, Latest News,News from India, Politics, External Affairs, Science, Economics, Gender and Culture.

  5. The Wire: The Wire News India, Latest News,News from India,...


    India’s Economy 16.5 Years Behind China’s: Bernstein Research Report. India is behind China by 21 years in patent, 20 years in FDI, 19 years in forex reserves, and 17 years in exports. On ...

  6. The founding premise of The Wire is this: if good journalism is to survive and thrive, it can only do so by being both editorially and financially independent. This means relying principally on contributions from readers and concerned citizens who have no interest other than to sustain a space for quality journalism.

  7. Exclusive: Nobody Approved India’s COVID-19 ... - The Wire


    New Delhi: In a shocking turn, The Wire Science has found that the Central Drug Standards Control Organisation (CDSCO) – the country’s nodal drug-regulation agency and an independent body under the Government of India – never approved the ‘precautionary doses’ that Prime Minister Narendra Modi flagged for rollout from January 10, 2022.

  8. Breast Cancer Can Bring Financial Ruin in India. by Sanjay Mohanty, Tabassum Wadasadawala, Suraj Maiti, and Soumendu Sen. 07 Feb. 7 mins Read. health.

  9. Watch | The Wire Wrap: New Criminal Laws, Exam Scam, Kejriwal's...


    From July 1, India will have a whole new set of criminal laws. The Indian Penal Code, Code of Criminal Procedure and the Indian Evidence Act will be replaced by three new laws drafted and passed by the previous Union government.

  10. Why 2024 Is a Repeat of 2004 - The Wire


    After the end of the second phase of the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, a few key takeaways emerge. 1) The voter is fed up of lies, spin-doctoring and subpar propaganda. They trust no one. But after ten years in power, the trust-deficit with the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is highest.

  11. India, Globally: Arundhati Roy, the RSS in Australia, India in...


    Outside India, global voices are monitoring and critiquing human rights violations in India and the rise of Hindutva. We present here fortnightly highlights of what a range of actors – from UN experts and civil society groups to international media and parliamentarians of many countries – are saying about the state of India’s democracy.