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Indonesian Army Doctrine, Education and Training Development Command (Indonesian: Komando Pembinaan Doktrin, Pendidikan dan Latihan TNI AD or Kodiklat TNI-AD) is an Indonesian Army Principal Command which is directly under the office of the Chief of Staff of the Army and located in Bandung, West Java. Its principal responsibility is the ...
Education and Training Center (Indonesian: Pusat Pendidikan dan Pelatihan), tasked with formulating technical policy, implementing, monitoring, evaluating, managing of learning support facilities, and reporting on matters of training and educating civil servants of the Ministry and the Missions. The Center oversees several subsections, as follows:
Police Education and Training Institute (Lembaga Pendidikan dan Pelatihan) or Lemdiklat for short, is in charge of planning, developing, and organizing the function of education and training in formation and development of and to the scope of the Indonesian National Police for ensuring education of recruits or personnel which are specializing ...
The Ministry of Defense (Indonesian: Kementerian Pertahanan abbreviated Kemhan) is an Indonesian government ministry responsible for the defense of Indonesia.The ministry was formerly known as the Department of Defense (Departemen Pertahanan Republik Indonesia; Dephan) until 2009 when the nomenclature changed based on Act Number 39 of 2008 on State Ministries, the name of the Department of ...
The Special Forces Training and Education Center (Pusat Pendidikan dan Latihan Pasukan Khusus) abbreviated "Pusdiklatpassus" is the training and education center for recruits and personnel associated with and becoming to join as Commandos in the Army Special Forces Command (Kopassus). As an educational institution, "Pusdiklatpassus" is divided ...
The university was established on 27 September 1965 by the Yogyakarta branch of the Atma Jaya Catholic University Institute of Indonesia. The founders were R.A. Soehardi, A.J. Liem Sioe Siet A., Sutijoso, Oey Liang Lee and Leo Sukoto.
The official Indonesian Navy's history began on 10 September 1945, at the outset of the Indonesian National Revolution.The administration of the early Indonesian government established the People's Marine Security Agency (Badan Keamanan Rakyat Laut/BKR Laut) on 22 August 1945, the predecessor to the modern Indonesian Navy.
BUMDes-run convenience store in Kebumen Regency. A village-owned enterprise (Indonesian: Badan Usaha Milik Desa), often shortened to BUMDes or BUM Desa, is a type of company that is managed and established by an Indonesian village.