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Missionary work as spiritual warfare (Ephesians, Chapter 6) weapons of a spiritual sense, is the primary concept in a long-standing relationship between Christian missions and militarization. Though when the Church establishes a governance, usually this results in a formation of a national or regional military.
Traditionally, Christians have seen mission as a either a special event (eg, a one-week series of meetings, or a conference) or as a full-time job for a few individuals (eg, sending a missionary to a foreign country for several years to convert new people to Christianity). Missional living is seen as a way of life for all Christians at all times.
Today missiology is taught at many Christian theological schools and its scope of study and relations with the other theological and social sciences differ to a great extent. While it continues to be considered a Christian theological discipline, [8] [9] some have contested whether missiology is a strictly church discipline or academic one. [10]
Christian missionaries recognize that working for justice is a constitutive part of preaching the Gospel [37] and usually observe the principles of inculturation in their missionary work. Before Vatican II " baptism of desire " and salvation outside the Catholic Church were allowed very little scope. [ 38 ]
A History of Christian Missions. Penguin Books, 1986; Newcomb, Harvey. A Cyclopedia of Missions: Containing a Comprehensive View of Missionary Operations Throughout the World : with Geographical Descriptions, and Accounts of the Social, Moral, and Religious Condition of the People (1860) 792 pages complete text online
Missionary historian Ruth A. Tucker writes: As he learned the language and lived with the people, he became more aware of the gulf that separated his Christian worldview from the worldview of the Sawi: "In their eyes, Judas, not Jesus, was the hero of the Gospels, Jesus was just the dupe to be laughed at."