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Parasitic drag is defined as the combination of form drag and skin friction drag. [3] [1]: 641–642 [4]: 19 It is named as such because it is not useful, in contrast with lift-induced drag which is created when an airfoil generates lift. All objects experience parasitic drag, regardless of whether they generate lift.
Parasitic drag, or profile drag, is the sum of viscous pressure drag (form drag) and drag due to surface roughness (skin friction drag). Additionally, the presence of multiple bodies in relative proximity may incur so called interference drag , which is sometimes described as a component of parasitic drag.
Induced drag must be added to the parasitic drag to find the total drag. Since induced drag is inversely proportional to the square of the airspeed (at a given lift) whereas parasitic drag is proportional to the square of the airspeed, the combined overall drag curve shows a minimum at some airspeed - the minimum drag speed (V MD). An aircraft ...
Drag and lift coefficients for the NACA 63 3 618 airfoil. Full curves are lift, dashed drag; red curves have R e = 3·10 6, blue 9·10 6. Coefficients of lift and drag against angle of attack. Curve showing induced drag, parasitic drag and total drag as a function of airspeed. Drag curve for the NACA 63 3 618 airfoil, colour-coded as opposite plot.
The drag at zero-lift can be more easily conceptualized as the drag area which is simply the product of zero-lift drag coefficient and aircraft's wing area (, where is the wing area). Parasitic drag experienced by an aircraft with a given drag area is approximately equal to the drag of a flat square disk with the same area which is held ...
Skin friction drag is generally expressed in terms of the Reynolds number, which is the ratio between inertial force and viscous force. Total drag can be decomposed into a skin friction drag component and a pressure drag component, where pressure drag includes all other sources of drag including lift-induced drag. [1]
Forward resistance comprises the types of drag that impede a sailboat's speed through water (or an ice boat's speed over the surface) include components of parasitic drag, consisting primarily of form drag, which arises because of the shape of the hull, and skin friction, which arises from the friction of the water (for boats) or air (for ice ...
Drag forces acting on a flying animal are composed of parasitic drag on the body fuselage and induced drag on the wings, both acting against the relative direction of flight. Adjusting the angle of attack while wing beat frequency is held constant, birds are able to direct a component of the lift produced by their wings backwards, thus ...