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Different types of barges are used to transport cargo on the basis of the application and purpose to solve. Find out about different types of barges inside the article.
又称 浮坞 式载驳船,其主要特点是:子驳进出母船,既不是由 门式起重机 吊进、吊出,也不是利用 升降平台 的升降进出母船,而是利用载驳船(母船)沉入一定水深,用 浮船坞 方式将驳船(子驳)浮进、浮出进行装卸和运输。 载驳船的优点是由于货物单元是驳船,装卸可以在港域内外任意地点进行,从而可以大大缩短停港时间,提高装卸速度,母船不受港口水深和码头泊位的影响,并能实现江海联运。 其主要缺点是:船舶造价较高;由于载驳船要运载的驳船可能分布在不同的码头,必须有周密的计划才能保证高效运输,因此对货源的组织和航运计划的安排有较高的要求;载驳船吊上吊下方式造成吊驳设备构造复杂且易损坏;载驳船的运输费用比传统货轮或集装箱船的费用要高得多。 [2]
载驳船 (Barge Carrier): 具有较大的甲板面积,专运货驳和重型设备的船舶,典型的装载方式是使用门式起重机,也叫载驳母船 (Lighter Aboard Ship (LASH) Vessel)。 冷藏船 (Refrigerated Cargo Ship): 具有货物冷藏装置,专运各种温度下保鲜的鱼、肉、水果、蔬菜等时鲜易腐货物的 ...
The barge carrier concept can broadly be divided into two categories, i.e. “Lighter Aboard Ship” (LASH) and “Barge Container Carrier” (BACO). Other barge carrier types include Heavy Lift vessels and Naval Auxiliary vessels. Two further designs, i.e. the “Barge Catamaran” (BACAT) and “Sea Barge” (SEABEE) are currently no longer ...
载驳船(Barge-carrying ship) 携带驳船的远洋船舶。 这些驳船常在不同地点装货,再拖到远洋船舶(有时称作母船),然后吊上或浮上甲板。
浮装式集装箱船:Float-On/Float-Off Container Ship,也称为载驳船(Barge Carrier) 浮装式集装箱船是指一种把驳船作为“浮动集装箱”,利用顶推船顶推“浮动集装箱”浮进浮出母船,或利用母船上的起重设备把“浮动集装箱”由水中吊到母船舱内的一种船舶,统称载驳船。 浮装式集装箱船可分“拉希”式载驳船、“西比”式载驳船、“巴卡特”型载驳船及“巴可”型载驳船等船型。 “拉希”式载驳船,又叫普通载驳船,是数量最多的一种载驳船。 单层甲板、无双层纸,舱内为分格结构,每一驳格可堆装四层子驳,甲板上堆装两层。 为便于装载驳船,在甲板上沿两舷设置轨道,并有可沿轨道纵向移动的门式起重机,以便起吊子驳进、出货舱。 又叫海蜂式载驳船,是一种双舷、双底、多层甲板船。
An extension of the container ship concept is the barge-carrying ship. In this concept, the container is itself a floating vessel, usually about 60 feet long by about 30 feet wide, which is loaded aboard the ship in one of two ways: either…
7.载驳船(Barge Carrier) 又称子母船。是指在大船上搭载驳船,驳船内装载货物的船舶。载驳船的主要优点是不受港口水深限制,不需要占用码头泊位,装卸货物均在锚地进行,装卸效率高。
Transport ships for carrying floating cargo are known and are referred to as LASH ships and as barge carriers. For reasons that are not apparent, the US Navy designates the SEABEE type barger...
There are several types of barges, including deck barges, crane barges, and ocean barges, each used for specific purposes. Barges can be bought, but the more affordable option is hiring them, as well as the tugboats required for propulsion.