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  2. Constitution of Indonesia - Wikipedia


    The 1945 State Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia (Indonesian: Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945, lit. 'Basic Law of State of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945', commonly abbreviated as UUD 1945 or UUD '45) is the supreme law and basis for all laws of Indonesia.

  3. Coordinating Ministry for Legal, Human Rights, Immigration ...


    Thus, the Attorney General has been independent of the Minister of Justice since then. The transfer of the General Court (Peradilan Umum) and State Administration Court (Pengadilan Tata Usaha Negara) to the Supreme Court (Mahkamah Agung) was started in 1999 and finished on 31 March 1999. Thus, the Ministry has different responsibilities. [1]

  4. Amendments to the Constitution of Indonesia - Wikipedia


    The 1945 Constitution was restored by a Presidential Decree on 5 July 1959 to address the Konstituante failure to set the replacement of the 1950 Constitution. In the New Order regime, the authority committed to not to amend the constitution, as they perceived the constitution as final and stated its "sanctity" should be protected.

  5. Jakarta Charter - Wikipedia


    The second conference of the BPUPK, from July 10th to the 17th, 1945. In accordance with the advice of the Committee of Nine, the BPUPK held its second (and final) session from 10 to 17 July 1945 under Sukarno's leadership. The aim was to discuss issues related to the constitution, including the draft preamble contained in the Jakarta Charter. [11]

  6. Human rights in Indonesia - Wikipedia


    The 1945 Constitution were returned into effect in 1959, and only underwent a number of amendments (including the human rights provisions) after the fall of the New Order. Human rights provisions then further stipulated in Act Number 39 of 1999 on Human Rights (Undang-Undang Nomor 39 Tahun 1999 tentang Hak Asasi Manusia).

  7. Law of Indonesia - Wikipedia


    Tindak Pidana Pemalsuan Meterai, Cap Negara, dan Tera Negara: Art. 382-390 XIII Forgery of Documents Tindak Pidana Pemalsuan Surat: Art. 391-400 XIV Crimes Against Persons' Origins and Marriage Tindak Pidana terhadap Asal Usul dan Perkawinan: Art. 401-405 XV Indecency Tindak Pidana Kesusilaan: Art. 406-427 XVI Desertion and Abandonment

  8. President Sukarno's 1959 Decree - Wikipedia


    The Presidential Decree of 5 July 1959 (legally the Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 150 of 1959 on the Return to the Constitution of 1945, Indonesian: Keputusan Presiden Republik Indonesia Nomor 150 Tahun 1959 Tentang Kembali kepada Undang-Undang Dasar 1945) was issued by President Sukarno in the face of the inability of the Constitutional Assembly of Indonesia to ...

  9. Indonesian National Revolution - Wikipedia


    Verguisd en vergeten. Tan Malaka, de linkse beweging en de Indonesische Revolutie 1945–1949. KITLV. p. 2200. ISBN 978-90-6718-258-4. Taylor, Alastair M. (1960). Indonesian Independence and the United Nations. London: Stevens & Sons. ASIN B0007ECTIA. Yong Mun Cheong (2004). The Indonesian Revolution and the Singapore Connection, 1945–1949.