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  2. Pyroxene - Wikipedia


    The name pyroxene is derived from the Ancient Greek words for 'fire' (πυρ, pur) and 'stranger' (ξένος, xénos). Pyroxenes were so named due to their presence in volcanic lavas , where they are sometimes found as crystals embedded in volcanic glass ; it was assumed they were impurities in the glass, hence the name meaning "fire stranger".

  3. Augite - Wikipedia


    Euhedral crystal of augite from Teide (4.4 x 3.0 x 2.3 cm). Augite is a solid solution in the pyroxene group. Diopside and hedenbergite are important endmembers in augite, but augite can also contain significant aluminium, titanium, and sodium and other elements.

  4. Diopside - Wikipedia


    Diopside is a monoclinic pyroxene mineral with composition MgCaSi 2 O 6. It forms complete solid solution series with hedenbergite (FeCaSi 2 O 6) and augite, and partial solid solutions with orthopyroxene and pigeonite. It forms variably colored, but typically dull green crystals in the monoclinic prismatic class.

  5. Jadeite - Wikipedia


    Jadeite is a pyroxene mineral with composition Na Al Si 2 O 6.It is hard (Mohs hardness of about 6.5 to 7.0), very tough, and dense, with a specific gravity of about 3.4.It is found in a wide range of colors, but is most often found in shades of green or white.

  6. Spodumene - Wikipedia


    Spodumene is a pyroxene mineral consisting of lithium aluminium inosilicate, Li Al(Si O 3) 2, and is a commercially important source of lithium.It occurs as colorless to yellowish, purplish, or lilac kunzite (see below), yellowish-green or emerald-green hiddenite, prismatic crystals, often of great size.

  7. Eclogite - Wikipedia


    Eclogite (/ ˈ ɛ k l ə dʒ aɪ t /) is a metamorphic rock containing garnet (almandine-pyrope) hosted in a matrix of sodium-rich pyroxene . Accessory minerals include kyanite, rutile, quartz, lawsonite, coesite, amphibole, phengite, paragonite, zoisite, dolomite, corundum and, rarely, diamond. The chemistry of primary and accessory minerals ...

  8. Hedenbergite - Wikipedia


    Hedenbergite has a number of specific properties. Its hardness is usually between five and six with two cleavage plains and conchoidal fracture. Color varies between black, greenish black, and dark brown with a resinous luster. Hedenbergite is a part of a pyroxene solid solution chain consisting of diopside and augite, and is the iron rich end ...

  9. Clinopyroxene thermobarometry - Wikipedia


    Clinopyroxene thermobarometry is a scientific method that uses the mineral clinopyroxene to determine the temperature and pressure of the magma when the mineral crystalized. Clinopyroxene is found in many igneous rocks , so the method can be used to determine information about the entire rock.