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With the exception of any damascus steel used in the knives, which Warenski ordered as a blank from an ABS Mastersmith and ground himself, all of his knives were sole-authorship, meaning he made and finished every part of the knife including making sheaths and engraving.
William Francis Moran Jr. (May 1, 1925 – February 12, 2006), also known as Bill Moran, was a pioneering American knifemaker who founded the American Bladesmith Society and reintroduced the process of making pattern welded steel (often called "Damascus") to modern knife making. [1] [2] Moran's knives were sought after by celebrities and heads ...
The origin of the name "Damascus Steel" is contentious. Islamic scholars al-Kindi (full name Abu Ya'qub ibn Ishaq al-Kindi, circa 800 CE – 873 CE) and al-Biruni (full name Abu al-Rayhan Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Biruni, circa 973 CE – 1048 CE) both wrote about swords and steel made for swords, based on their surface appearance, geographical location of production or forging, or the name of the ...
A straight razor blade (cut-throat razor) starts, at the Thiers Issard factory, as a shape called the blank supplied by the steel manufacturer. Thiers Issard traditionally has used Sheffield silver steel, long considered a superior quality carbon steel. [1] [8] [11] The first step is to clean the blank using a heavy forge process called the ...
Pattern welding is a practice in sword and knife making by forming a blade of several metal pieces of differing composition that are forge-welded together and twisted and manipulated to form a pattern. [1] Often called Damascus steel, blades forged in this manner
The 10xx series is the most popular choice for carbon steel used in knives as well as katanas. They can take and keep a very sharp edge. [59] 1095, a popular high-carbon steel for knives; it is harder but more brittle than lower-carbon steels such as 1055, 1060, 1070, and 1080.