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  2. Symmetric group - Wikipedia


    The symmetric group on a finite set is the group whose elements are all bijective functions from to and whose group operation is that of function composition. [1] For finite sets, "permutations" and "bijective functions" refer to the same operation, namely rearrangement. The symmetric group of degree is the symmetric group on the set .

  3. Symmetry group - Wikipedia


    The group of isometries of space induces a group action on objects in it, and the symmetry group Sym (X) consists of those isometries which map X to itself (as well as mapping any further pattern to itself). We say X is invariant under such a mapping, and the mapping is a symmetry of X. The above is sometimes called the full symmetry group of X ...

  4. Symmetric graph - Wikipedia


    In the mathematical field of graph theory, a graph G is symmetric (or arc-transitive) if, given any two pairs of adjacent vertices u1—v1 and u2—v2 of G, there is an automorphism. such that. In other words, a graph is symmetric if its automorphism group acts transitively on ordered pairs of adjacent vertices (that is, upon edges considered ...

  5. Graph automorphism - Wikipedia


    In the mathematical field of graph theory, an automorphism of a graph is a form of symmetry in which the graph is mapped onto itself while preserving the edge– vertex connectivity. Formally, an automorphism of a graph G = (V, E) is a permutation σ of the vertex set V, such that the pair of vertices (u, v) form an edge if and only if the pair ...

  6. Symmetry in mathematics - Wikipedia


    Symmetry occurs not only in geometry, but also in other branches of mathematics. Symmetry is a type of invariance: the property that a mathematical object remains unchanged under a set of operations or transformations. [1] Given a structured object X of any sort, a symmetry is a mapping of the object onto itself which preserves the structure.

  7. Dihedral group - Wikipedia


    The symmetry group of a snowflake is D 6, a dihedral symmetry, the same as for a regular hexagon. In mathematics, a dihedral group is the group of symmetries of a regular polygon, [1][2] which includes rotations and reflections. Dihedral groups are among the simplest examples of finite groups, and they play an important role in group theory and ...

  8. Cayley's theorem - Wikipedia


    In group theory, Cayley's theorem, named in honour of Arthur Cayley, states that every group G is isomorphic to a subgroup of a symmetric group. [1] More specifically, G is isomorphic to a subgroup of the symmetric group whose elements are the permutations of the underlying set of G. Explicitly, for each. g ∈ G {\displaystyle g\in G}

  9. Frucht's theorem - Wikipedia


    The Frucht graph, a 3- regular graph whose automorphism group realizes the trivial group. Frucht's theorem is a result in algebraic graph theory, conjectured by Dénes KÅ‘nig in 1936 [1] and proved by Robert Frucht in 1939. [2] It states that every finite group is the group of symmetries of a finite undirected graph.