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Clocks, regardless of the materials they are made of, are susceptible to damage from incorrect temperatures. Like light, temperature that is too high can cause weakening, discoloration, and or disintegration of organic materials. [16] With wood clocks, temperature is critical to conservation and preservation.
A grandfather clock (also a longcase clock, tall-case clock, grandfather's clock, hall clock or floor clock) is a tall, freestanding, weight-driven pendulum clock, with the pendulum held inside the tower or waist of the case. Clocks of this style are commonly 1.8–2.4 metres (6–8 feet) tall with an enclosed pendulum and weights, suspended by ...
At the close of each week to be wound. And it kept in its place — not a frown upon its face, And its hands never hung by its side. But it stopp'd short — never to go again — When the old man died. Ninety years without slumbering (tick, tick, tick, tick), His life seconds numbering, (tick, tick, tick, tick), It stopp'd short — never to ...
In many clocks, the outer end is attached to a stationary post. The spring is wound up by turning the arbor, and after winding its force turns the arbor the other way to run the clock. The disadvantage of this open spring arrangement is that while the mainspring is being wound, its drive force is removed from the clock movement, so the clock ...
Huygens' maintaining power in use. The weight drive used by Christiaan Huygens in his early clocks acts as a maintaining power. In this layout, the weight which drives the clock is carried on a pulley and the cord (or chain) supporting the weight is wrapped around the main driving wheel on one side and the rewinding wheel on the other.
The gravity remontoire was invented by Swiss clockmaker Jost Bürgi around 1595. Usually the "Kalenderuhr" (three month running, springdriven, calendar-desk-clock) Bürgi is considered the oldest surviving clock with a remontoire, even if it does not provide power to the escapement during the few seconds of the daily cycle where the remontoire weight gets wound up by the spring. [2]
There’s a thin, squiggly tattoo running down the forearm of diligent hospital nurse Floria, always visible past the short sleeves of her royal-blue scrubs, but hard to really get a look at ...
A fusee (from the French fusée, wire wound around a spindle) is a cone-shaped pulley with a helical groove around it, wound with a cord or chain attached to the mainspring barrel of antique mechanical watches and clocks. It was used from the 15th century to the early 20th century to improve timekeeping by equalizing the uneven pull of the ...