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  2. #0000ff Color Hex Blue1 #00F


    #0000ff color RGB value is (0,0,255). This hex color code is also a web safe color which is equal to #00F. #0000ff color name is Blue1 color. #0000ff hex color red value is 0, green value is 0 and the blue value of its RGB is 255.

  3. #89cff0 Color Hex Baby Blue


    #89cff0 color name is Baby Blue color. #89cff0 hex color red value is 137, green value is 207 and the blue value of its RGB is 240. Cylindrical-coordinate representations (also known as HSL) of color #89cff0 hue: 0.55 , saturation: 0.77 and the lightness value of 89cff0 is 0.74.

  4. #333333 Color Hex Gray20 #333


    #333333 color RGB value is (51,51,51). This hex color code is also a web safe color which is equal to #333. #333333 color name is Gray20 color. #333333 hex color red value is 51, green value is 51 and the blue value of its RGB is 51.

  5. #b00b69 Color Hex


    #b00b69 color RGB value is (176,11,105). #b00b69 hex color red value is 176, green value is 11 and the blue value of its RGB is 105. Cylindrical-coordinate representations (also known as HSL) of color #b00b69 hue: 0.91 , saturation: 0.88 and the lightness value of b00b69 is 0.37.

  6. #e6e6fa Color Hex Lavender


    #e6e6fa color name is Lavender color. #e6e6fa hex color red value is 230, green value is 230 and the blue value of its RGB is 250. Cylindrical-coordinate representations (also known as HSL) of color #e6e6fa hue: 0.67 , saturation: 0.67 and the lightness value of e6e6fa is 0.94.

  7. #ffffff Color Hex White


    #ffffff color RGB value is (255,255,255). This hex color code is also a web safe color which is equal to #FFF. #ffffff color name is White color. #ffffff hex color red value is 255, green value is 255 and the blue value of its RGB is 255.

  8. #0099ff Color Hex #09F


    #0099ff color RGB value is (0,153,255). This hex color code is also a web safe color which is equal to #09F. #0099ff hex color red value is 0, green value is 153 and the blue value of its RGB is 255. Cylindrical-coordinate representations (also known as HSL) of color #0099ff hue: 0.57 , saturation: 1.00 and the lightness value of 0099ff is 0.50.

  9. #228b22 Color Hex Forest Green


    #228b22 color name is Forest Green color. #228b22 hex color red value is 34, green value is 139 and the blue value of its RGB is 34. Cylindrical-coordinate representations (also known as HSL) of color #228b22 hue: 0.33 , saturation: 0.61 and the lightness value of 228b22 is 0.34.

  10. #000080 Color Hex NavyBlue


    #000080 color name is NavyBlue color. #000080 hex color red value is 0, green value is 0 and the blue value of its RGB is 128. Cylindrical-coordinate representations (also known as HSL) of color #000080 hue: 0.67 , saturation: 1.00 and the lightness value of 000080 is 0.25.

  11. #ccff00 Color Hex Electric Lime #CF0


    #ccff00 color RGB value is (204,255,0). This hex color code is also a web safe color which is equal to #CF0. #ccff00 color name is Electric Lime color. #ccff00 hex color red value is 204, green value is 255 and the blue value of its RGB is 0.