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  2. Working experience VS work experience? - UsingEnglish.com


    Work experience can be projected in the right way such as: work experience in a responsible capacity or having associated with decision making process. Working is used an adjective to describe a person doing some form of work or labor; such as: a working person. An working woman. It is also utilized to describe something working/functioning; as ...

  3. work experience / work experiences /single or plural?


    Senior Member. (1) North American English: work experience (2) Note the apostrophe: "6 years ' experience in the textile industry, including two years ' experience as a phone-order representative." Is the apostrophe absolutely necessary after "years"? Is it a rule the that the years possess the experience?

  4. work experience or working experience? - WordReference Forums


    Sep 17, 2018. #3. heypresto said: Only one question is allowed per thread, so I'll answer the first one. 'Work experience' is correct, in BE at least. 'We wouldn't say 'working experience'. You'll need to ask the other question in a separate thread. Thank you. E.

  5. Work Experience or Working Experience - UsingEnglish.com


    May 17, 2010. #3. Williamyh said: Hi Teachers, I want to know which one is correct? "Work experience" or "Working Experience"? I have 20 years of work experience. :tick: W.

  6. Two years'/year work experience. | WordReference Forums


    In BE, work experience is the term used for very short-term placements. You want to say that you have been working for two years. I have been working for two years.

  7. "I have experience of working with ..." or ".. of work with"


    What I myself would say is: I have experience working with (no "of"). The COCA (AE Corpus) has many examples of have experience of + gerund. Here is one - Well, we have experience of operating in regimes in every part of the world, and they cover many different political shades. So we will use our expertise to try to push the boundaries of what ...

  8. Experience / Professional Experience / Work Experience


    Jan 31, 2012. #2. If I were including other experiences in the resume, I might use (b) or (c). If everything in the resume is 100% work-related, (a) might be acceptable. Be sure that you're distinguishing between a work "history" and work "experience". "Experience" connotes work that is specific to the job for which you are applying, while a ...

  9. education background or educational background ... -...


    One way to recognize the difference is to ask whether the word functions as part of a title or it functions to describe the nature of the noun. In this case, we're describing the title of a category. Therefore, I would use Education Background. If we were discussing the nature or type of background, I would say educational background.

  10. broad vs extensive (working experience) - WordReference Forums


    Oct 28, 2017. #3. Hi, I've got a question related to this topic. The Newt said: "Extensive" suggests a lot of experience, "broad" a range of experience. I can't distinguish the difference between a lot of experience and a range of experience. Extensive experience in this case means much more than broad experience?

  11. work experience / working experience | WordReference Forums


    The section "Work Experience" on a résumé is used to note current & past work. I can't think of an example of when we might use "working experience" instead of "work experience." It doesn't sound right. "Experience working …" could work, for example, "my experience working at … proved fruitful."