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  2. Ethiopian Calendar. Ethiopian Calendar based on the Geez Calendar featuring an Ethiopian calendar converter. Check the date and what year it is in the Ethiopia calendar today. Find out Ethiopian fasting dates and public holidays.

  3. Ethiopian calendar converter - Convert Ethiopian calendar to Gregorian calendar (EC to GC and GC to EC) with a user-friendly date converter.

  4. Why is Ethiopian calendar behind by 7 years?


    The Ethiopian calendar, also called the Ge’ez calendar, is a solar calendar with 13 months. Twelve months have 30 days each, and the 13th month, PagumÄ“, has five days in a common year and six days in a leap year.

  5. Ethiopian Months - 13 Month Ethiopian Calendar & Month Names


    Rooted in the ancient Ge’ez calendar, the Ethiopian calendar stands seven to eight years behind the Gregorian calendar, offering a unique glimpse into a different era and perspective on time. The Ethiopian calendar months are uniquely defined, each shaped by distinct traditions and stories that resonate deeply with the Ethiopian people.

  6. Explore Calendar of Ethiopia, its origins, history, and how it relates to holidays and important dates. The listed pages below offer easy access to information about how the calendar works, its format, and the traditions tied to its months and important dates.

  7. Ethiopian Calendar Download for PC, Free Amharic Calendar, PDF


    Custom Calendar with Amharic Letters. A Ge’ez script is used to display the dates on the calendar app. The script, also known as Amharic Alphabet is the writing system used for Ethiopia’s official language, Amharic.

  8. Current Date and Time in Ethiopia now - Ethiopian Calendar


    Ethiopian Calendar and converter featuring Ethiopia time and date, national holidays, and history of the Ethiopian Calendar. Design by Ethiowebs, web development by Dawit.

  9. Ethiopian Holidays 2025, Ethiopia Holidays Calendar 2017


    Additionally, the calendar includes celebrations for saints such as Saint George on April 23 and Saint Michael on November 21 and June 19. These holidays are integral to Ethiopian Orthodox life, blending worship, tradition, and community.

  10. 5 Ethiopia Time and Date Facts - Ethiopian Calendar


    In this article we look at some interesting Ethiopia time and date facts that make the country’s calendar so unique. It’s 7 Years Behind The Rest of The World. Getting into the differences between the Ethiopian calendar and the more traditional Gregorian calendar is quite complicated.

  11. Ethiopian New Year - Enkutatash - New Year in Ethiopia -...


    Ethiopian New Year, or Enkutatash, is a beloved celebration that marks the first day of the Ethiopian calendar year. Rich in cultural traditions, the Ethiopian New Year is one of the most widely celebrated holidays in Ethiopia , uniting people from all regions, religions, and ethnic backgrounds.