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  2. USDA MyPlate Five Food Group Gallery


    The USDA MyPlate Food Group Gallery page shows lists of foods for each of the five food groups. Hyperlinked foods show pictures of a specific amount in cup-equivalents (for fruits, vegetables, or dairy) and ounce-equivalents (for grains and protein foods).

  3. The five food groups - Eat For Health


    These five food groups make up the Australian guide to healthy eating (see right). Foods are grouped together because they provide similar amounts of the key nutrients of that food group. For example, the key nutrients of the milk, yogurt, cheese and alternatives food group include calcium and protein, while the fruit group is a good source of ...

  4. What are the Five Food Groups?


    Eating a variety of fruits, vegetables, grains, protein foods, and dairy or fortified soy alternatives can help you create a healthy eating routine. Learn more about the five food groups: FRUITS VEGETABLES GRAINS PROTEIN FOODS DAIRY

  5. USDA MyPlate What Is MyPlate?


    What is MyPlate? USDA MyPlate is the five food groups! The benefits of healthy eating add up over time, bite by bite. Small changes matter. Start Simple with MyPlate. A healthy eating routine is important at every stage of life and can have positive effects that add up over time.

  6. Back to Basics: All About MyPlate Food Groups | USDA


    As the MyPlate icon shows, the five food groups are Fruits, Vegetables, Grains, Protein Foods, and Dairy. The 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans emphasizes the importance of an overall healthy eating pattern with all five groups as key building blocks, plus oils.

  7. Healthy Eating Pyramid – The Nutrition Source


    Consumers can think of the Healthy Eating Pyramid as a grocery list: Vegetables, fruits, whole grains, healthy oils, and healthy proteins like nuts, beans, fish, and chicken should make it into the shopping cart every week, along with a little yogurt or other dairy foods if desired.

  8. MyPlate Graphics | MyPlate


    This page contains multiple versions of the MyPlate graphic: the full MyPlate, MyPlate with the fruits and vegetables sections highlighted ("Make half your plate fruits and vegetables"), and the five individual food groups. Graphics are available in .eps, .png, and .jpg formats.

  9. Suggested Servings From Each Food Group - American Heart...


    If you’re looking for a simple way to eat healthy, use this handy serving size chart to get the right balance of nutrition on your plate. The American Heart Association recommends an overall healthy dietary pattern tailored to your personal and cultural food preferences.

  10. MyPlate: Your Five Food Groups | Illinois Extension | UIUC


    The five food groups that make up MyPlate are Vegetables, Fruits, Grains, Proteins, and Dairy. Fruits that are fresh, canned, frozen, dried, or 100% fruit juice are all good choices. Choose fresh and whole fruits when you can – like a whole banana, apple, or handful of grapes.

  11. Healthy Eating Plate – The Nutrition Source


    The Healthy Eating Plate does not define a certain number of calories or servings per day from each food group. The relative section sizes suggest approximate relative proportions of each of the food groups to include on a healthy plate.