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Graphic art mostly includes calligraphy, photography, painting, typography, computer graphics, and bindery. It also encompasses drawn plans and layouts for interior and architectural designs. [1] In museum parlance "works on paper" is a common term, covering the various types of traditional fine art graphic art.
Graphic design is a profession, [2] academic discipline [3] [4] [5] and applied art whose activity consists in projecting visual communications intended to transmit specific messages to social groups, with specific objectives. [6] Graphic design is an interdisciplinary branch of design [1] and of the fine arts.
The artist-designer Jules Chéret (1835–1932) was a notable early creator of French Art Nouveau posters. He helped turn the advertising poster into an art form. The son a family of artisans, he apprenticed with a lithographer and also studied at the École nationale supérieure des arts décoratifs.
Advertising is one of the most profitable uses of graphics; artists often do advertising work or take advertising potential into account when creating art, to increase the chances of selling the artwork. Most importantly, graphics give a good look to artwork whenever it is applied. Graphics contribute to the general outlook of a
A graphic designer is a professional who practices the discipline of graphic design, either within companies or organizations or independently. They are professionals in design and visual communication , with their primary focus on transforming linguistic messages into graphic manifestations, whether tangible or intangible.
Artwork (also known as art layoutdrawing) is a type of drawing that serves a graphical representation of an image for its reproduction onto a substrate via various processes, such as silkscreen, label making and other printing methods. Transfer of the image often involves a photographic process.
related to: graphic design artwork