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The Uganda Registration Services Bureau (URSB) is a semi-autonomous government agency, established by Act of Parliament in 1998 in Uganda.URSB is responsible for civil registrations (including marriages and divorces but not including births, adoptions, or deaths), business registrations (setups and liquidations), registration of patents and intellectual property rights, insolvency and ...
This is a list of official business registers around the world. [1] [2]There are many types of official business registers, usually maintained for various purposes by a state authority, such as a government agency, or a court of law.
The sale was canceled, however, because of a dispute over licensing payments for the Margaritaville name. [25] In late 2019, the Poarch Band of Creek Indians presented the state of Alabama with a grand bargain that would afford the tribe exclusive rights on casino gambling in exchange for $1 billion. [26]
The Alabama-Coushatta Indian Reservation, Texas' oldest reservation, located at , has 18.484 km 2 (7.137 sq mi) of land. The land purchased by the state and assigned to the Alabama in 1854 was expanded by another purchase, under a federal grant in 1928.
The Alabama–Coushatta Reservation was established in 1854, [12] when the state bought 1,110.7 acres (449.5 ha) of land for the Alabama Indian reservation. About 500 tribe members settled on this land during the winter of 1854–55.
The BBC reported that the first-known mince-pie recipe dates back to an 1830s-era English cookbook. By the mid-17th century, people reportedly began associating the small pies with Christmas. At ...
related to: ursb name reservation form for alabama