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The Canada Business Corporations Act (CBCA; French: Loi canadienne sur les sociétés par actions) is an act of the Parliament of Canada regulating Canadian business corporations. Corporations in Canada may be incorporated federally, under the CBCA, or provincially under a similar provincial law.
Ministry of Development (MR) – Central Registration and Information on Business (CEIDG) [70] – company register for natural persons trading as sole traders or their civil law partnerships (searchable); such companies are prohibited from performing certain activities (e.g. operating a life insurance company), and proper agricultural activity ...
While the governor general is the keeper of the Great Seal, he or she normally entrusts the Registrar General with the seal's safekeeping. The Great Seal is used to certify official state documents. The current Seal went into use in 1955, after the accession of Elizabeth II to the Canadian Throne. [citation needed]
Another leading case is Canadian Aero Service Ltd. v. O'Malley [41] where two directors, Mr O'Malley and Mr Zarzacki worked for a mapping and exploring business, and got involved in a project to map Guyana. They resigned, started a new company, Terra Surveys, and bid for a government tender to continue the work.
Registration is normally mandated by the government of that jurisdiction. A company register serves a purpose of protection, accountability and control. In contrast many countries also operate a statistical business register which has a different purpose and plays a central part in a system of official economic statistics at a national ...
Crown corporations (French: Société de la Couronne) [1] are government organizations in Canada with a mixture of commercial and public-policy objectives. [2] [3] They are directly and wholly owned by the Crown (i.e. the government of Canada or a province). [2] Crown corporations represent a specific form of state-owned enterprise.
GCKey (French: CléGC) is a standards-based authentication service provided by the Government of Canada. [1] It provides Canadians with secure access to online information and government services and assists Canadian federal government departments in managing and controlling access to their on-line programs through the provisioning of standardized registration and authentication processes.
A business license is an official permit issued by a government agency that allows an individual or company to conduct business within the government’s jurisdiction. In Iran, businesses must obtain specific licenses to ensure compliance with regulations and local laws.