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  2. Can someone explain to me Big O notation like I'm dumb?


    The "notation" of Big O notation is just concise shorthand for describing the above patterns. O (1) for constant time, O (n) for linear time (where n is the length of the array), O (log n) for logarithmic time, etc. The focus of Big O notation is on looking at the biggest trend of an algorithm. We don't care whether an algorithm takes 200 steps ...

  3. Don't understand big o notation can you help me out?


    Furthermore, Big O notation actually talks about the worst case scenario. Imagine I was looking for a particular value in an array of 100 items. I might find that array in the first or second item, or I might have to go thru all 100 items to find it. Big O assumes that, when in doubt, you look for the "biggest" runtime. Other Time Complexities:

  4. Big O Notation - explained as easily as possible : r/compsci -...


    Big-O is a mathematical notation, and what it actually describes is the asymptotic behavior of a function, which is its behavior for large n. There are two ways to define big-O, one is by taking limits as n→∞ and the other considers behavior for n > N , where N is some arbitrarily chosen point, and that point could be enormously huge.

  5. Is there any source where I can practise with the big O notation...


    Big O and friends are fun because you can write code for other things/find old code and perform complexity analysis on that. Not only will it give you practice, it will teach you about what programming style is most computationally efficient.

  6. A simple introduction to Big O notation. : r/learnprogramming -...


    Big O notation is the logical continuation of these three ideas. The number of steps is converted to a formula, then only the highest power of n is used to represent the entire algorithm. def multi (n): for i in n: print (n) print (‘Word’) There are 2n steps. Runs in O (n) time.

  7. Good resources to learn big O notation? : r/learnjavascript -...


    O (n) is generally regarded as good, the time/space requirements grow linearly - think of a linear scan of every element of an array for time complexity, and an array itself for space complexity. O (n log n) is worse but as good as you can hope for in many circumstances, the resource usage traces a curve that starts to look linear as the inputs ...

  8. Big O vs little O notation : r/learnmath - Reddit


    O (2n) = O (n) for example. So one algorithm can take double the amount of time as a another, but we don't care about this constant difference. The idea behind this is that these terms don't matter as n approaches infinity. n 2 will always overtake 1000000000000000n for sufficiently large n. For small n, the quadratic algorithm can perform ...

  9. Big O Notation: A Simple Explanation With Examples :...


    Big O Notation: A Simple Explanation With Examples. Representing Omega/Theta/O as "worst," "average," and "best" isn't accurate. Rather, they are lower bounds, tight bounds, and upper bounds; by convention, we consider all three taken in the worst-case performance of the algorithm.

  10. What is the big O notation for a nested for loop?


    I have a question regarding big O notation when it comes to time complexity. If I understand correctly, if I have an array of N elements, and carry out a nested loop over all N elements, then the time complexity will be O (N 2 ), e.g. for (j = 0; j < N; j++) {. //My code here. If that is true, then that makes sense intuitively--N x N = N 2 .

  11. Big O Notation: need some help understanding how to figure out...


    So I'm going to use Wikipedia as my cite and try to build from their definition: "Big O notation is a mathematical notation that describes the limiting behaviour of a function when the argument tends towards a particular value or infinity." What does that sound like? Limits! Limits are a basic mathematical concept.