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  2. With a sleep tracker, you can get a clear look at the quantity and quality of your sleep on a nightly basis, and it can also help identify sleep problems. Many include built-in coaching to improve your sleep habits and can also track progress to see how well different strategies work over time.

  3. Samsung Watch Sleep Apnea Feature First Ever Approved by FDA


    During that time, the Galaxy Watch’s BioActive Sensor tracks blood oxygen levels throughout the user’s slumber, allowing them to view Samsung’s Health Monitor app on their compatible phone to see if those levels drop— a key sign of sleep apnea.

  4. How to Track Your Sleep on an Apple Watch | Sleep Foundation


    Looking to use data to improve your sleep habits? We explain how to track your sleep on an Apple Watch and what other sleep-related features you can use.

  5. Apple Watch Review 2024 - Sleep Foundation


    NapBot: Another advanced sleep app for your Apple Watch is NapBot, which uses smart technology to track your sleep patterns, monitor your health metrics, and gauge your overall sleep quality. This app is free to download, and the monthly and annual subscription fees are relatively low.

  6. New Research Evaluates Accuracy of Sleep Trackers


    But for now, store-bought trackers remain a practical, cost-effective tool for monitoring individual sleep habits for personal use. What’s more, their accuracy compared to actigraphs means wearers can expect data that’s on par with some research-grade sleep-tracking devices.

  7. How to Track Your Sleep on a Fitbit


    While Fitbit’s products each have different features, all trackers and smartwatches currently sold are able to track sleep patterns and sleep stages by monitoring heart rate and movement. To help you maximize its benefits, we’ll explore how a Fitbit tracks your sleep patterns, what data it records, and how to view that data on the device or ...

  8. Wellue O2 Ring Sleep Tracker Review 2024 | Sleep Foundation


    The Wellue O2 Ring measures blood oxygen levels while you sleep. Learn how the device works and why your blood oxygen level is important for your sleep health.

  9. New Feature for 2024 Apple Watch Reportedly Detects Sleep Apnea


    And for people who suspect they have sleep apnea because they snore or have other symptoms but have been putting off getting checked, an alert from their wearable tech may prompt them to see their doctor sooner. In addition to alerting people to sleep apnea signs, the new Apple Watch is also reported to send alerts when blood pressure is high.

  10. SLEEPON Go2sleep Review 2024 - Sleep Foundation


    This wearable device tracks sleep and health metrics by gently clamping down on your fingertip, much like a traditional pulse oximeter. I didn’t get a chance to test out this device. That said, fingertip monitors tend to be less comfortable for sleeping, especially if you frequently change positions.

  11. How Is Actigraphy Used to Evaluate Sleep? - Sleep Foundation


    Actigraphy may be useful for monitoring treatment of insufficient sleep syndrome and treatment of sleep disorders in children, though more research is needed. It appears that many people adhere better to the sleep routine prescribed by their doctor if they know that an actigraphy watch is monitoring their actions.