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  2. Constitution of Indonesia - Wikipedia


    The 1945 State Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia (Indonesian: Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945, lit. 'Basic Law of State of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945', commonly abbreviated as UUD 1945 or UUD '45) is the supreme law and basis for all laws of Indonesia.

  3. Jakarta Charter - Wikipedia


    The Jakarta Charter (Indonesian: Piagam Jakarta) was a document drawn up by members of the Indonesian Investigating Committee for Preparatory Work for Independence (BPUPK) on 22 June 1945 in Jakarta that later formed the basis of the preamble to the Constitution of Indonesia.

  4. Constitutional Court of Indonesia - Wikipedia


    The Constitutional Court Clerk Office (Indonesian: Kepaniteraan Mahkamah Konstitusi) is responsible for judicial administration of the Court, and is headed by a Chief Clerk. The Chief Clerk is assisted by two Deputy Clerks, with Deputy Clerk I responsible for constitutional reviews, disputes between state institution, and legislative and ...

  5. File:National emblem of Indonesia Garuda Pancasila.svg


    Bahasa Indonesia: Lambang Negara Republik Indonesia disebut Garuda Pancasila. Bagian utama dari lambang ini adalah burung mitos Garuda yang mengenakan perisai di dadanya dan cakarnya menggenggam pita putih bertuliskan semboyan nasional: "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika", yang secara sederhana dapat diartikan "Berbeda-beda tetapi tetap satu".

  6. Amendments to the Constitution of Indonesia - Wikipedia


    The third amendment provided a constitutional basis for the establishment of the Constitutional Court and removed clauses regarding the State Policy Guidelines (Garis Besar Haluan Negara, abbrev. GBHN) enacted by the People's Consultative Assembly as executive guidelines. [9] [10]

  7. Judiciary of Indonesia - Wikipedia


    The Judiciary of Indonesia constitutionally consists of the Supreme Court of Indonesia (Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia, abbreviated into MA), the Constitutional Court of Indonesia (Mahkamah Konstitusi Republik Indonesia, abbreviated into MK), and the lesser court system under the Supreme Court.

  8. Provisional Constitution of 1950 - Wikipedia


    The Provisional Constitution of 1950 (Indonesian: Undang-Undang Dasar Sementara Republik Indonesia 1950, UUDS 1950) replaced the Federal Constitution of 1949 when Indonesia unilaterally withdrew from the union with the Netherlands agreed at the Round Table Conference and returned to being a unitary state.

  9. National emblem of Indonesia - Wikipedia


    Pancasila dasar negara Rakyat adil makmur sentosa Pribadi bangsaku Ayo maju maju Ayo maju maju Ayo maju maju Literal translation. O, Garuda Pancasila I am your supporter A patriot of Proclamation (I am) willing to sacrifice for you. Pancasila the basis of the country The people right and prospering My nation's character Let us go forth Let us ...