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  2. Þáttr - Wikipedia


    The þættir (Old Norse singular þáttr, literally meaning a "strand" of rope or yarn) [1] [2] are short stories written mostly in Iceland during the 13th and 14th centuries. The majority of þættir occur in two compendious manuscripts, Morkinskinna and Flateyjarbók , and within them most are found as digressions within kings' sagas.

  3. The Tale of Thorstein Staff-Struck - Wikipedia


    The Tale of Thorstein Staff-Struck (Old Norse Þorsteins þáttr stangarhǫggs) is an Icelandic þáttr which tells the tale of a conflict between the houses of Thorarinn and Bjarni Brodd-Helgason at Hof, Iceland.

  4. The Tale of Thorstein Shiver - Wikipedia


    The Tale of Thorstein Shiver (Icelandic: Þorsteins þáttur skelks) is an Icelandic þáttur (pl. þættir) about the conversion of the Nordic countries to Christianity. The þáttur tells the humorous tale of Thorstein Thorkelsson's encounter with a demon and how he earns his nickname. [1]

  5. Stjörnu-Odda draumr - Wikipedia


    Stjörnu-Odda draumr (Star-Oddi's Dream) is a þáttr (short Old Norse-Icelandic tale) which recounts the dream-vision of Oddi Helgason, a twelfth-century Icelandic farmer and astronomer.

  6. Kumlbúa þáttr - Wikipedia


    Kumlbúa þáttr (the tale of the cairn-dweller) is a short medieval Icelandic tale set at the end of the twelfth century or the beginning of the thirteenth. [1] It tells the story of Þorsteinn Þorvarðsson who stumbles upon a burial cairn and takes a sword from it.

  7. Styrbjarnar þáttr Svíakappa - Wikipedia


    Styrbjarnar þáttr Svíakappa (The Tale of Styrbjörn the Swedish Champion) is a short story, a þáttr on the Swedish claimant and Jomsviking Styrbjörn the Strong preserved in the Flatey Book (GKS 1005 fol 342-344, ca 1387-1395).

  8. Hreiðars þáttr - Wikipedia


    Hreiðars þáttr heimska or the Tale of Hreiðarr the Fool is one of the short tales of Icelanders.It tells of Hreiðarr, an apparently mentally disabled Icelandic man who travels to Norway in the time of the joint rule of the kings Magnús góði and Haraldr harðráði.

  9. Ívars þáttr Ingimundarsonar - Wikipedia


    Ívars þáttr Ingimundarsonar (The Tale of Ívarr Son of Ingimundr) is a short þáttr which emphasizes king Eysteinn's goodness.. Ívarr, an Icelander, lived at the court of king Eysteinn, who liked him much.