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  2. A rare mutation protects against Alzheimer's disease,...


    Researchers have discovered that a rare mutation inherited with the APOE4 gene variant protects against Alzheimer's, shedding new light on ways to counteract high-risk genes for the disease.

  3. Study Suggests Genetics as a Cause, Not Just a Risk, for Some ...


    People with two copies of the gene variant APOE4 are almost certain to get Alzheimer’s, say researchers, who proposed a framework under which such patients could be diagnosed years before...

  4. Insights into notorious ‘Alzheimer’s gene’ fuel hope for ... -...


    In 2019, a group led by gene therapy researcher Ron Crystal of Weill Cornell Medicine began to infuse a virus carrying APOE2 into the upper spinal column of 15 patients who carry two copies of APOE4 and have mild cognitive impairment or Alzheimer’s symptoms.

  5. Newly identified genetic variant protects against Alzheimer’s


    Researchers identified a first-of-its-kind patient with a genetic predisposition for early-onset Alzheimer’s disease who remained cognitively intact more than two decades beyond the expected age of memory impairment.

  6. Alzheimer’s study suggests genetic cause of specific form of...


    While most patients currently do not have a clearly identified cause of this devastating illness, researchers found that people with two copies of the gene variant APOE4 are at extremely high risk of developing Alzheimer’s.

  7. Newly found genetic variant defends against Alzheimer's disease


    Protective gene was found in people resilient to Alzheimer's disease. The researchers discovered the protective variant in people who never developed symptoms but who had inherited the e4 form...

  8. Scientists identify gene variant that may protect against APOE ε4...


    They found that, in general, people with one or two copies of APOE ε4 (carriers) who developed Alzheimer’s had more fibronectin 1 protein in the blood-brain barrier, a protective shield made up of tightly packed cells lining the blood vessels in the brain.

  9. In 2022, for example, an analysis that pooled data from nearly 790,000 people — more than 111,000 of whom had Alzheimer’s disease or a relative with the disease — found another 75 genetic ...

  10. 1987: Finding the first Alzheimer’s gene - Nature


    Mutations in the gene encoding APP, the precursor to amyloid-β, are found to underpin some cases of familial Alzheimer’s disease. Mutations in the gene encoding APP, the precursor to amyloid-β ...

  11. Breakthrough Study Reveals Molecular Clues to Dementia Origins


    For the first time, researchers have identified “molecular markers” linked to degeneration—detectable changes in cells and their gene-regulating networks—that are common across several types of dementia affecting different brain regions. Significantly, the UCLA-led study, published in the journal Cell, also discovered markers unique to ...