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  2. Catholic Wedding Help: What are the rules and requirements for a...


    The Church has certain rules about how the marriage takes place (Code of Canon Law #1108-1123). These rules are meant to ensure with certainty that a valid marriage actually took place. Basically, a valid marriage must be witnessed by an authorized representative of the Church (usually a priest or deacon) and two other witnesses.

  3. Catholic Wedding Help


    From “yes” to “I do” and beyond, Catholic Wedding Help provides a complete, straightforward and faithful step-by-step guide to planning your Catholic wedding. From learning how to build a foundation with marriage preparation at your parish to the many details of a nuptial Mass, these are resources you won’t find on a typical wedding ...

  4. Catholic Wedding Help: What if one of us is not Catholic?


    The person guiding your marriage preparation will be able to help you with this process. According to Canon Law 1125, three conditions are need for granting this permission: 1) The Catholic party must declare he or she intends to remain Catholic and promises to baptize and raise all offspring in the Catholic Church; 2) the non-Catholic party is ...

  5. Catholic Wedding Help: Questions and Answers


    What are the rules and requirements for a valid Catholic wedding? Can we get married in the Catholic Church if we are living together (cohabiting)? Can we get married in the Catholic Church if one of us is divorced? Will the Catholic Church recognize the marriage of a Catholic to a baptized Christian of another faith?

  6. Catholic Wedding Help: If we are living together (co-habitating)...


    Marriage Preparation and Cohabiting Couples: An Informational Report: This report from the U.S. Catholic bishops contains information on the growing trend toward couples cohabiting (living together) before marriage; it also describes how many priests are approaching this issue with couples. This is important reading for engaged couples who are ...

  7. Catholic Wedding Help: Can we be married in a civil ceremony...


    The Church does not recognize a civil wedding ceremony as valid when one or both people are Catholic. If a couple are married in a civil ceremony, the Catholic person (s) are asked to refrain from receiving the Eucharist until the marriage is recognized as valid by the Church. The reason for this, in a nutshell, is that the Church recognizes ...

  8. Catholic Wedding Help: Preparing for a lifelong marriage


    While many engaged couples focus on preparing for the wedding day, the Church encourages them to spend their engagement preparing for a strong, lifelong marriage—and the responsibilities and challenges that come with it. Some couples view the Church’s marriage preparation requirements as an unfair burden; they “just want to get married.”.

  9. Order of a Catholic wedding Mass


    The assembly stands. The entrance song is sung while the priest, ministers (e.g., lectors, altar servers), and the wedding party take their places in the sanctuary (near the altar). The Order for Celebrating Matrimony offers two forms for this. In the First Form (#45-47) the priest and servers in vestiments proper to the liturgy greet the ...

  10. Catholic Wedding Help: Getting engaged


    For Catholic couples, the engagement period is a time to deepen faith, especially personal and interpersonal spirituality (Preparation for the Sacrament of Marriage #17). Most Catholic dioceses require couples to complete a formal marriage preparation program for this purpose. But the Church encourages couples to prepare for marriage in other ...

  11. Order of a Catholic wedding without Mass


    The Order for Celebrating Matrimony offers two forms for this. In the First Form (#45-47) the priest and servers in vestiments proper to the liturgy greet the bridal party at the door of the Church then all enter in procession as is customary for a Mass (the ministers go first, followed by the priest, then the bride and bridegroom, possibly ...