related to: business name check availability ca gov registration status- Check your business name
Before you start a business, make
sure the name isn't already in use.
- File a DBA in CA
Want to do business w/ a different
name than your entity? Read this.
- Add a DBA to an LLC fast
Here's what you need to add a
DBA for your business to your LLC.
- LLC Vs. DBA: A Comparison
There's A Difference Between An
LLC And A DBA. Which Works For You?
- Register A DBA
Register Your DBA Here And Start
Building Your Brand Today.
- Get your fictitious name
Obtain your fictitious business
name and start building your brand.
- Check your business name
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And that, of course, means conducting a business name availability check. If you overlook this step of starting a business, it can lead to issues with trademark infringement laws, advertising ...
The Business, Consumer Services and Housing Agency (BCSH) is the California government cabinet-level agency that assists and educates consumers regarding the licensing, regulation, and enforcement of professionals and businesses. [3]
Ministry of Development (MR) – Central Registration and Information on Business (CEIDG) [70] – company register for natural persons trading as sole traders or their civil law partnerships (searchable); such companies are prohibited from performing certain activities (e.g. operating a life insurance company), and proper agricultural activity ...
In an effort to strengthen consumer financial protections in California, Governor Gavin Newsom in 2020 proposed an initiative [3] to modernize and revamp the Department of Business Oversight (DBO). The measure included an increase in staff and authority, to enhance the department's regulatory scope and enable it to become a national model for ...
The California Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) is a department within the California Business, Consumer Services, and Housing Agency.DCA's stated mission is to serve the interests of California's consumers by ensuring a standard of professionalism in key industries and promoting informed consumer practices.
The California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA) is the public agency charged with assessing and collecting sales and use taxes, as well as a variety of excise fees and taxes, for the U.S. state of California. The department has several other ancillary functions, such as ensuring that sellers comply with permit requirements.
related to: business name check availability ca gov registration status