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Tribulation Force: The Continuing Drama of Those Left Behind (1996) is the second novel in the Left Behind series, by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins. It takes place from two weeks after the Rapture to 18 months into the Tribulation.
Cameron, who praised the book series as "inspiring", became a practicing evangelist (and co-host with Ray Comfort on the TV show The Way of the Master). The sequel, Left Behind II: Tribulation Force, based on the second book, Tribulation Force, was released in 2002.
In Tribulation Force (Book 2), Carpathia tells Williams that he was named the sole beneficiary in Stonagal's will, though Stonagal's family members will receive massive payoffs to silence them. This effectively bestowed on Carpathia the financial resources and clout needed for his intended takeover of the world's media and information networks ...
The film premiered in churches on October 21, 2005, before its release on DVD and VHS on October 25, 2005. It was based primarily on the last fifty pages of the 1996 novel Tribulation Force and is currently the last film in the Left Behind film series, as a new adaption of the first book was made and released on October 3, 2014. The film ends ...
The stateside Tribulation Force meets Hattie Durham on her journey to see her relatives. After this, Amanda flies to New Babylon to join Rayford. Buck is driving to see Tsion at the hideout where he is when the worldwide earthquake predicted at the funeral begins. The sun goes dark, the moon turns blood-red, and meteors fall from the sky.
However, while the main male character in the novels (indeed, serving as the leader of the Tribulation Force), his role in the film series has him downplayed to a supporting role, with Cameron "Buck" Williams taking over the leadership role Rayford held in the novels. In the 2014 remake of Left Behind, Rayford Steele is portrayed by Nicolas ...
— On the night on the Rapture, Judd had run away using his father's credit card to book a flight to London. The same flight Rayford was the pilot for. The same flight Rayford was the pilot for. Vicki Byrne Thompson — Vicki grew up in a trailer park, and hated it because people regularly made fun of her and her family by calling them ...
Left Behind: A Novel of the Earth's Last Days is a best-selling [1] novel by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins that starts the Left Behind series.This book and others in the series give narrative form to a specific eschatological reading of the Christian Bible, particularly the Book of Revelation inspired by dispensationalism and premillennialism.